package scipy

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type tag = [
  1. | `Rv_discrete
type t = [ `Object | `Rv_discrete | `Rv_generic ] Obj.t
val of_pyobject : Py.Object.t -> t
val to_pyobject : [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t
val as_rv_generic : t -> [ `Rv_generic ] Obj.t
val create : ?a:float -> ?b:float -> ?name:string -> ?badvalue:float -> ?moment_tol:float -> ?values:Py.Object.t -> ?inc:int -> ?longname:string -> ?shapes:string -> ?extradoc:string -> ?seed:[ `I of int | `T_numpy_random_RandomState_instance of Py.Object.t ] -> unit -> t

A generic discrete random variable class meant for subclassing.

`rv_discrete` is a base class to construct specific distribution classes and instances for discrete random variables. It can also be used to construct an arbitrary distribution defined by a list of support points and corresponding probabilities.

Parameters ---------- a : float, optional Lower bound of the support of the distribution, default: 0 b : float, optional Upper bound of the support of the distribution, default: plus infinity moment_tol : float, optional The tolerance for the generic calculation of moments. values : tuple of two array_like, optional ``(xk, pk)`` where ``xk`` are integers and ``pk`` are the non-zero probabilities between 0 and 1 with ``sum(pk) = 1``. ``xk`` and ``pk`` must have the same shape. inc : integer, optional Increment for the support of the distribution. Default is 1. (other values have not been tested) badvalue : float, optional The value in a result arrays that indicates a value that for which some argument restriction is violated, default is np.nan. name : str, optional The name of the instance. This string is used to construct the default example for distributions. longname : str, optional This string is used as part of the first line of the docstring returned when a subclass has no docstring of its own. Note: `longname` exists for backwards compatibility, do not use for new subclasses. shapes : str, optional The shape of the distribution. For example 'm, n' for a distribution that takes two integers as the two shape arguments for all its methods If not provided, shape parameters will be inferred from the signatures of the private methods, ``_pmf`` and ``_cdf`` of the instance. extradoc : str, optional This string is used as the last part of the docstring returned when a subclass has no docstring of its own. Note: `extradoc` exists for backwards compatibility, do not use for new subclasses. seed : None or int or ``numpy.random.RandomState`` instance, optional This parameter defines the RandomState object to use for drawing random variates. If None, the global np.random state is used. If integer, it is used to seed the local RandomState instance. Default is None.

Methods ------- rvs pmf logpmf cdf logcdf sf logsf ppf isf moment stats entropy expect median mean std var interval __call__ support

Notes -----

This class is similar to `rv_continuous`. Whether a shape parameter is valid is decided by an ``_argcheck`` method (which defaults to checking that its arguments are strictly positive.) The main differences are:

  • the support of the distribution is a set of integers
  • instead of the probability density function, ``pdf`` (and the corresponding private ``_pdf``), this class defines the *probability mass function*, `pmf` (and the corresponding private ``_pmf``.)
  • scale parameter is not defined.

To create a new discrete distribution, we would do the following:

>>> from scipy.stats import rv_discrete >>> class poisson_gen(rv_discrete): ... 'Poisson distribution' ... def _pmf(self, k, mu): ... return exp(-mu) * mu**k / factorial(k)

and create an instance::

>>> poisson = poisson_gen(name='poisson')

Note that above we defined the Poisson distribution in the standard form. Shifting the distribution can be done by providing the ``loc`` parameter to the methods of the instance. For example, ``poisson.pmf(x, mu, loc)`` delegates the work to ``poisson._pmf(x-loc, mu)``.

**Discrete distributions from a list of probabilities**

Alternatively, you can construct an arbitrary discrete rv defined on a finite set of values ``xk`` with ``ProbX=xk = pk`` by using the ``values`` keyword argument to the `rv_discrete` constructor.

Examples --------

Custom made discrete distribution:

>>> from scipy import stats >>> xk = np.arange(7) >>> pk = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.2) >>> custm = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm', values=(xk, pk)) >>> >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) >>> ax.plot(xk, custm.pmf(xk), 'ro', ms=12, mec='r') >>> ax.vlines(xk, 0, custm.pmf(xk), colors='r', lw=4) >>>

Random number generation:

>>> R = custm.rvs(size=100)

val cdf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> k:[ `Ndarray of [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t | `I of int ] -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Cumulative distribution function of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- k : array_like, int Quantiles. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- cdf : ndarray Cumulative distribution function evaluated at `k`.

val entropy : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Differential entropy of the RV.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0). scale : array_like, optional (continuous distributions only). Scale parameter (default=1).

Notes ----- Entropy is defined base `e`:

>>> drv = rv_discrete(values=((0, 1), (0.5, 0.5))) >>> np.allclose(drv.entropy(), np.log(2.0)) True

val expect : ?func:Py.Object.t -> ?args:Py.Object.t -> ?loc:float -> ?lb:Py.Object.t -> ?ub:Py.Object.t -> ?conditional:bool -> ?maxcount:int -> ?tolerance:float -> ?chunksize:int -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> float

Calculate expected value of a function with respect to the distribution for discrete distribution by numerical summation.

Parameters ---------- func : callable, optional Function for which the expectation value is calculated. Takes only one argument. The default is the identity mapping f(k) = k. args : tuple, optional Shape parameters of the distribution. loc : float, optional Location parameter. Default is 0. lb, ub : int, optional Lower and upper bound for the summation, default is set to the support of the distribution, inclusive (``ul <= k <= ub``). conditional : bool, optional If true then the expectation is corrected by the conditional probability of the summation interval. The return value is the expectation of the function, `func`, conditional on being in the given interval (k such that ``ul <= k <= ub``). Default is False. maxcount : int, optional Maximal number of terms to evaluate (to avoid an endless loop for an infinite sum). Default is 1000. tolerance : float, optional Absolute tolerance for the summation. Default is 1e-10. chunksize : int, optional Iterate over the support of a distributions in chunks of this size. Default is 32.

Returns ------- expect : float Expected value.

Notes ----- For heavy-tailed distributions, the expected value may or may not exist, depending on the function, `func`. If it does exist, but the sum converges slowly, the accuracy of the result may be rather low. For instance, for ``zipf(4)``, accuracy for mean, variance in example is only 1e-5. increasing `maxcount` and/or `chunksize` may improve the result, but may also make zipf very slow.

The function is not vectorized.

val freeze : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Freeze the distribution for the given arguments.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution. Should include all the non-optional arguments, may include ``loc`` and ``scale``.

Returns ------- rv_frozen : rv_frozen instance The frozen distribution.

val generic_moment : ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Non-central moment of discrete distribution.

val interval : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> alpha:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Confidence interval with equal areas around the median.

Parameters ---------- alpha : array_like of float Probability that an rv will be drawn from the returned range. Each value should be in the range 0, 1. arg1, arg2, ... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional location parameter, Default is 0. scale : array_like, optional scale parameter, Default is 1.

Returns ------- a, b : ndarray of float end-points of range that contain ``100 * alpha %`` of the rv's possible values.

val isf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> q:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Inverse survival function (inverse of `sf`) at q of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- q : array_like Upper tail probability. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- k : ndarray or scalar Quantile corresponding to the upper tail probability, q.

val logcdf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> k:[ `Ndarray of [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t | `I of int ] -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Log of the cumulative distribution function at k of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- k : array_like, int Quantiles. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- logcdf : array_like Log of the cumulative distribution function evaluated at k.

val logpmf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> k:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Log of the probability mass function at k of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- k : array_like Quantiles. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter. Default is 0.

Returns ------- logpmf : array_like Log of the probability mass function evaluated at k.

val logsf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> k:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Log of the survival function of the given RV.

Returns the log of the 'survival function,' defined as 1 - `cdf`, evaluated at `k`.

Parameters ---------- k : array_like Quantiles. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- logsf : ndarray Log of the survival function evaluated at `k`.

val mean : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> float

Mean of the distribution.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information) loc : array_like, optional location parameter (default=0) scale : array_like, optional scale parameter (default=1)

Returns ------- mean : float the mean of the distribution

val median : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> float

Median of the distribution.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information) loc : array_like, optional Location parameter, Default is 0. scale : array_like, optional Scale parameter, Default is 1.

Returns ------- median : float The median of the distribution.

See Also -------- rv_discrete.ppf Inverse of the CDF

val moment : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> n:[ `N_1 of Py.Object.t | `I of int ] -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

n-th order non-central moment of distribution.

Parameters ---------- n : int, n >= 1 Order of moment. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : float The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional location parameter (default=0) scale : array_like, optional scale parameter (default=1)

val pmf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> k:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Probability mass function at k of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- k : array_like Quantiles. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information) loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- pmf : array_like Probability mass function evaluated at k

val ppf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> q:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Percent point function (inverse of `cdf`) at q of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- q : array_like Lower tail probability. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- k : array_like Quantile corresponding to the lower tail probability, q.

val rvs : ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Random variates of given type.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0). size : int or tuple of ints, optional Defining number of random variates (Default is 1). Note that `size` has to be given as keyword, not as positional argument. random_state : None or int or ``np.random.RandomState`` instance, optional If int or RandomState, use it for drawing the random variates. If None, rely on ``self.random_state``. Default is None.

Returns ------- rvs : ndarray or scalar Random variates of given `size`.

val sf : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> k:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Survival function (1 - `cdf`) at k of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- k : array_like Quantiles. arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional Location parameter (default=0).

Returns ------- sf : array_like Survival function evaluated at k.

val stats : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Some statistics of the given RV.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information) loc : array_like, optional location parameter (default=0) scale : array_like, optional (continuous RVs only) scale parameter (default=1) moments : str, optional composed of letters 'mvsk' defining which moments to compute: 'm' = mean, 'v' = variance, 's' = (Fisher's) skew, 'k' = (Fisher's) kurtosis. (default is 'mv')

Returns ------- stats : sequence of requested moments.

val std : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> float

Standard deviation of the distribution.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information) loc : array_like, optional location parameter (default=0) scale : array_like, optional scale parameter (default=1)

Returns ------- std : float standard deviation of the distribution

val support : ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Return the support of the distribution.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, ... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information). loc : array_like, optional location parameter, Default is 0. scale : array_like, optional scale parameter, Default is 1. Returns ------- a, b : float end-points of the distribution's support.

val var : ?kwds:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [> tag ] Obj.t -> float

Variance of the distribution.

Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the instance object for more information) loc : array_like, optional location parameter (default=0) scale : array_like, optional scale parameter (default=1)

Returns ------- var : float the variance of the distribution

val to_string : t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.

val show : t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


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