package scipy

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val get_py : string -> Py.Object.t

Get an attribute of this module as a Py.Object.t. This is useful to pass a Python function to another function.

module Inexact : sig ... end
val argsort : ?axis:[ `I of int | `None ] -> ?kind:[ `Stable | `Quicksort | `Heapsort | `Mergesort ] -> ?order:[ `StringList of string list | `S of string ] -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Returns the indices that would sort an array.

Perform an indirect sort along the given axis using the algorithm specified by the `kind` keyword. It returns an array of indices of the same shape as `a` that index data along the given axis in sorted order.

Parameters ---------- a : array_like Array to sort. axis : int or None, optional Axis along which to sort. The default is -1 (the last axis). If None, the flattened array is used. kind : 'quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort', 'stable', optional Sorting algorithm. The default is 'quicksort'. Note that both 'stable' and 'mergesort' use timsort under the covers and, in general, the actual implementation will vary with data type. The 'mergesort' option is retained for backwards compatibility.

.. versionchanged:: 1.15.0. The 'stable' option was added. order : str or list of str, optional When `a` is an array with fields defined, this argument specifies which fields to compare first, second, etc. A single field can be specified as a string, and not all fields need be specified, but unspecified fields will still be used, in the order in which they come up in the dtype, to break ties.

Returns ------- index_array : ndarray, int Array of indices that sort `a` along the specified `axis`. If `a` is one-dimensional, ``aindex_array`` yields a sorted `a`. More generally, ``np.take_along_axis(a, index_array, axis=axis)`` always yields the sorted `a`, irrespective of dimensionality.

See Also -------- sort : Describes sorting algorithms used. lexsort : Indirect stable sort with multiple keys. ndarray.sort : Inplace sort. argpartition : Indirect partial sort. take_along_axis : Apply ``index_array`` from argsort to an array as if by calling sort.

Notes ----- See `sort` for notes on the different sorting algorithms.

As of NumPy 1.4.0 `argsort` works with real/complex arrays containing nan values. The enhanced sort order is documented in `sort`.

Examples -------- One dimensional array:

>>> x = np.array(3, 1, 2) >>> np.argsort(x) array(1, 2, 0)

Two-dimensional array:

>>> x = np.array([0, 3], [2, 2]) >>> x array([0, 3], [2, 2])

>>> ind = np.argsort(x, axis=0) # sorts along first axis (down) >>> ind array([0, 1], [1, 0]) >>> np.take_along_axis(x, ind, axis=0) # same as np.sort(x, axis=0) array([0, 2], [2, 3])

>>> ind = np.argsort(x, axis=1) # sorts along last axis (across) >>> ind array([0, 1], [0, 1]) >>> np.take_along_axis(x, ind, axis=1) # same as np.sort(x, axis=1) array([0, 3], [2, 2])

Indices of the sorted elements of a N-dimensional array:

>>> ind = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(x, axis=None), x.shape) >>> ind (array(0, 1, 1, 0), array(0, 0, 1, 1)) >>> xind # same as np.sort(x, axis=None) array(0, 2, 2, 3)

Sorting with keys:

>>> x = np.array((1, 0), (0, 1), dtype=('x', '<i4'), ('y', '<i4')) >>> x array((1, 0), (0, 1), dtype=('x', '<i4'), ('y', '<i4'))

>>> np.argsort(x, order=('x','y')) array(1, 0)

>>> np.argsort(x, order=('y','x')) array(0, 1)

val argwhere : [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Find the indices of array elements that are non-zero, grouped by element.

Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input data.

Returns ------- index_array : (N, a.ndim) ndarray Indices of elements that are non-zero. Indices are grouped by element. This array will have shape ``(N, a.ndim)`` where ``N`` is the number of non-zero items.

See Also -------- where, nonzero

Notes ----- ``np.argwhere(a)`` is almost the same as ``np.transpose(np.nonzero(a))``, but produces a result of the correct shape for a 0D array.

The output of ``argwhere`` is not suitable for indexing arrays. For this purpose use ``nonzero(a)`` instead.

Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3) >>> x array([0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]) >>> np.argwhere(x>1) array([0, 2], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2])

val array : ?dtype:Np.Dtype.t -> ?copy:bool -> ?order:[ `K | `A | `C | `F ] -> ?subok:bool -> ?ndmin:int -> object_:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

array(object, dtype=None, copy=True, order='K', subok=False, ndmin=0)

Create an array.

Parameters ---------- object : array_like An array, any object exposing the array interface, an object whose __array__ method returns an array, or any (nested) sequence. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array. If not given, then the type will be determined as the minimum type required to hold the objects in the sequence. copy : bool, optional If true (default), then the object is copied. Otherwise, a copy will only be made if __array__ returns a copy, if obj is a nested sequence, or if a copy is needed to satisfy any of the other requirements (`dtype`, `order`, etc.). order : 'K', 'A', 'C', 'F', optional Specify the memory layout of the array. If object is not an array, the newly created array will be in C order (row major) unless 'F' is specified, in which case it will be in Fortran order (column major). If object is an array the following holds.

===== ========= =================================================== order no copy copy=True ===== ========= =================================================== 'K' unchanged F & C order preserved, otherwise most similar order 'A' unchanged F order if input is F and not C, otherwise C order 'C' C order C order 'F' F order F order ===== ========= ===================================================

When ``copy=False`` and a copy is made for other reasons, the result is the same as if ``copy=True``, with some exceptions for `A`, see the Notes section. The default order is 'K'. subok : bool, optional If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise the returned array will be forced to be a base-class array (default). ndmin : int, optional Specifies the minimum number of dimensions that the resulting array should have. Ones will be pre-pended to the shape as needed to meet this requirement.

Returns ------- out : ndarray An array object satisfying the specified requirements.

See Also -------- empty_like : Return an empty array with shape and type of input. ones_like : Return an array of ones with shape and type of input. zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input. full_like : Return a new array with shape of input filled with value. empty : Return a new uninitialized array. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero. full : Return a new array of given shape filled with value.

Notes ----- When order is 'A' and `object` is an array in neither 'C' nor 'F' order, and a copy is forced by a change in dtype, then the order of the result is not necessarily 'C' as expected. This is likely a bug.

Examples -------- >>> np.array(1, 2, 3) array(1, 2, 3)


>>> np.array(1, 2, 3.0) array( 1., 2., 3.)

More than one dimension:

>>> np.array([1, 2], [3, 4]) array([1, 2], [3, 4])

Minimum dimensions 2:

>>> np.array(1, 2, 3, ndmin=2) array([1, 2, 3])

Type provided:

>>> np.array(1, 2, 3, dtype=complex) array( 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 3.+0.j)

Data-type consisting of more than one element:

>>> x = np.array((1,2),(3,4),dtype=('a','<i4'),('b','<i4')) >>> x'a' array(1, 3)

Creating an array from sub-classes:

>>> np.array(np.mat('1 2; 3 4')) array([1, 2], [3, 4])

>>> np.array(np.mat('1 2; 3 4'), subok=True) matrix([1, 2], [3, 4])

val asarray : ?dtype:Np.Dtype.t -> ?order:[ `F | `C ] -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Convert the input to an array.

Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input data, in any form that can be converted to an array. This includes lists, lists of tuples, tuples, tuples of tuples, tuples of lists and ndarrays. dtype : data-type, optional By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data. order : 'C', 'F', optional Whether to use row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) memory representation. Defaults to 'C'.

Returns ------- out : ndarray Array interpretation of `a`. No copy is performed if the input is already an ndarray with matching dtype and order. If `a` is a subclass of ndarray, a base class ndarray is returned.

See Also -------- asanyarray : Similar function which passes through subclasses. ascontiguousarray : Convert input to a contiguous array. asfarray : Convert input to a floating point ndarray. asfortranarray : Convert input to an ndarray with column-major memory order. asarray_chkfinite : Similar function which checks input for NaNs and Infs. fromiter : Create an array from an iterator. fromfunction : Construct an array by executing a function on grid positions.

Examples -------- Convert a list into an array:

>>> a = 1, 2 >>> np.asarray(a) array(1, 2)

Existing arrays are not copied:

>>> a = np.array(1, 2) >>> np.asarray(a) is a True

If `dtype` is set, array is copied only if dtype does not match:

>>> a = np.array(1, 2, dtype=np.float32) >>> np.asarray(a, dtype=np.float32) is a True >>> np.asarray(a, dtype=np.float64) is a False

Contrary to `asanyarray`, ndarray subclasses are not passed through:

>>> issubclass(np.recarray, np.ndarray) True >>> a = np.array((1.0, 2), (3.0, 4), dtype='f4,i4').view(np.recarray) >>> np.asarray(a) is a False >>> np.asanyarray(a) is a True

val cdf2rdf : w:Py.Object.t -> v:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t * Py.Object.t

Converts complex eigenvalues ``w`` and eigenvectors ``v`` to real eigenvalues in a block diagonal form ``wr`` and the associated real eigenvectors ``vr``, such that::

vr @ wr = X @ vr

continues to hold, where ``X`` is the original array for which ``w`` and ``v`` are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

.. versionadded:: 1.1.0

Parameters ---------- w : (..., M) array_like Complex or real eigenvalues, an array or stack of arrays

Conjugate pairs must not be interleaved, else the wrong result will be produced. So ``1+1j, 1, 1-1j`` will give a correct result, but ``1+1j, 2+1j, 1-1j, 2-1j`` will not.

v : (..., M, M) array_like Complex or real eigenvectors, a square array or stack of square arrays.

Returns ------- wr : (..., M, M) ndarray Real diagonal block form of eigenvalues vr : (..., M, M) ndarray Real eigenvectors associated with ``wr``

See Also -------- eig : Eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays rsf2csf : Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form

Notes ----- ``w``, ``v`` must be the eigenstructure for some *real* matrix ``X``. For example, obtained by ``w, v = scipy.linalg.eig(X)`` or ``w, v = numpy.linalg.eig(X)`` in which case ``X`` can also represent stacked arrays.

.. versionadded:: 1.1.0

Examples -------- >>> X = np.array([1, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5], [0, -5, 4]) >>> X array([ 1, 2, 3], [ 0, 4, 5], [ 0, -5, 4])

>>> from scipy import linalg >>> w, v = linalg.eig(X) >>> w array( 1.+0.j, 4.+5.j, 4.-5.j) >>> v array([ 1.00000+0.j , -0.01906-0.40016j, -0.01906+0.40016j], [ 0.00000+0.j , 0.00000-0.64788j, 0.00000+0.64788j], [ 0.00000+0.j , 0.64788+0.j , 0.64788-0.j ])

>>> wr, vr = linalg.cdf2rdf(w, v) >>> wr array([ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 4., 5.], [ 0., -5., 4.]) >>> vr array([ 1. , 0.40016, -0.01906], [ 0. , 0.64788, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.64788])

>>> vr @ wr array([ 1. , 1.69593, 1.9246 ], [ 0. , 2.59153, 3.23942], [ 0. , -3.23942, 2.59153]) >>> X @ vr array([ 1. , 1.69593, 1.9246 ], [ 0. , 2.59153, 3.23942], [ 0. , -3.23942, 2.59153])

val conj : ?out: [ `Ndarray of [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t | `Tuple_of_ndarray_and_None of Py.Object.t ] -> ?where:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> x:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

conjugate(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True, signature, extobj)

Return the complex conjugate, element-wise.

The complex conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part.

Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input value. out : ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. If not provided or None, a freshly-allocated array is returned. A tuple (possible only as a keyword argument) must have length equal to the number of outputs. where : array_like, optional This condition is broadcast over the input. At locations where the condition is True, the `out` array will be set to the ufunc result. Elsewhere, the `out` array will retain its original value. Note that if an uninitialized `out` array is created via the default ``out=None``, locations within it where the condition is False will remain uninitialized. **kwargs For other keyword-only arguments, see the :ref:`ufunc docs <ufuncs.kwargs>`.

Returns ------- y : ndarray The complex conjugate of `x`, with same dtype as `y`. This is a scalar if `x` is a scalar.

Notes ----- `conj` is an alias for `conjugate`:

>>> np.conj is np.conjugate True

Examples -------- >>> np.conjugate(1+2j) (1-2j)

>>> x = np.eye(2) + 1j * np.eye(2) >>> np.conjugate(x) array([ 1.-1.j, 0.-0.j], [ 0.-0.j, 1.-1.j])

val eig : ?b:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> ?left:bool -> ?right:bool -> ?overwrite_a:bool -> ?overwrite_b:bool -> ?check_finite:bool -> ?homogeneous_eigvals:bool -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t * Py.Object.t * Py.Object.t

Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem of a square matrix.

Find eigenvalues w and right or left eigenvectors of a general matrix::

a vr:,i = wi b vr:,i a.H vl:,i = wi.conj() b.H vl:,i

where ``.H`` is the Hermitian conjugation.

Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed. b : (M, M) array_like, optional Right-hand side matrix in a generalized eigenvalue problem. Default is None, identity matrix is assumed. left : bool, optional Whether to calculate and return left eigenvectors. Default is False. right : bool, optional Whether to calculate and return right eigenvectors. Default is True. overwrite_a : bool, optional Whether to overwrite `a`; may improve performance. Default is False. overwrite_b : bool, optional Whether to overwrite `b`; may improve performance. Default is False. check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. homogeneous_eigvals : bool, optional If True, return the eigenvalues in homogeneous coordinates. In this case ``w`` is a (2, M) array so that::

w1,i a vr:,i = w0,i b vr:,i

Default is False.

Returns ------- w : (M,) or (2, M) double or complex ndarray The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity. The shape is (M,) unless ``homogeneous_eigvals=True``. vl : (M, M) double or complex ndarray The normalized left eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``wi`` is the column vl:,i. Only returned if ``left=True``. vr : (M, M) double or complex ndarray The normalized right eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``wi`` is the column ``vr:,i``. Only returned if ``right=True``.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge.

See Also -------- eigvals : eigenvalues of general arrays eigh : Eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays. eig_banded : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices

Examples -------- >>> from scipy import linalg >>> a = np.array([0., -1.], [1., 0.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a) array(0.+1.j, 0.-1.j)

>>> b = np.array([0., 1.], [1., 1.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a, b) array( 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j)

>>> a = np.array([3., 0., 0.], [0., 8., 0.], [0., 0., 7.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a, homogeneous_eigvals=True) array([3.+0.j, 8.+0.j, 7.+0.j], [1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j])

>>> a = np.array([0., -1.], [1., 0.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a) == linalg.eig(a)0 array( True, True) >>> linalg.eig(a, left=True, right=False)1 # normalized left eigenvector array([-0.70710678+0.j , -0.70710678-0.j ], [-0. +0.70710678j, -0. -0.70710678j]) >>> linalg.eig(a, left=False, right=True)1 # normalized right eigenvector array([0.70710678+0.j , 0.70710678-0.j ], [0. -0.70710678j, 0. +0.70710678j])

val eig_banded : ?lower:bool -> ?eigvals_only:bool -> ?overwrite_a_band:bool -> ?select:[ `A | `V | `I ] -> ?select_range:Py.Object.t -> ?max_ev:int -> ?check_finite:bool -> a_band:Py.Object.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t * Py.Object.t

Solve real symmetric or complex hermitian band matrix eigenvalue problem.

Find eigenvalues w and optionally right eigenvectors v of a::

a v:,i = wi v:,i v.H v = identity

The matrix a is stored in a_band either in lower diagonal or upper diagonal ordered form:

a_bandu + i - j, j == ai,j (if upper form; i <= j) a_band i - j, j == ai,j (if lower form; i >= j)

where u is the number of bands above the diagonal.

Example of a_band (shape of a is (6,6), u=2)::

upper form: * * a02 a13 a24 a35 * a01 a12 a23 a34 a45 a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55

lower form: a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a10 a21 a32 a43 a54 * a20 a31 a42 a53 * *

Cells marked with * are not used.

Parameters ---------- a_band : (u+1, M) array_like The bands of the M by M matrix a. lower : bool, optional Is the matrix in the lower form. (Default is upper form) eigvals_only : bool, optional Compute only the eigenvalues and no eigenvectors. (Default: calculate also eigenvectors) overwrite_a_band : bool, optional Discard data in a_band (may enhance performance) select : 'a', 'v', 'i', optional Which eigenvalues to calculate

====== ======================================== select calculated ====== ======================================== 'a' All eigenvalues 'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max] 'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max ====== ======================================== select_range : (min, max), optional Range of selected eigenvalues max_ev : int, optional For select=='v', maximum number of eigenvalues expected. For other values of select, has no meaning.

In doubt, leave this parameter untouched.

check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.

Returns ------- w : (M,) ndarray The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its multiplicity. v : (M, M) float or complex ndarray The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue wi is the column v:,i.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge.

See Also -------- eigvals_banded : eigenvalues for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays. eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import eig_banded >>> A = np.array([1, 5, 2, 0], [5, 2, 5, 2], [2, 5, 3, 5], [0, 2, 5, 4]) >>> Ab = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 0], [2, 2, 0, 0]) >>> w, v = eig_banded(Ab, lower=True) >>> np.allclose(A @ v - v @ np.diag(w), np.zeros((4, 4))) True >>> w = eig_banded(Ab, lower=True, eigvals_only=True) >>> w array(-4.26200532, -2.22987175, 3.95222349, 12.53965359)

Request only the eigenvalues between ``-3, 4``

>>> w, v = eig_banded(Ab, lower=True, select='v', select_range=-3, 4) >>> w array(-2.22987175, 3.95222349)

val eigh : ?b:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> ?lower:bool -> ?eigvals_only:bool -> ?overwrite_a:bool -> ?overwrite_b:bool -> ?turbo:bool -> ?eigvals:Py.Object.t -> ?type_:int -> ?check_finite:bool -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t * Py.Object.t

Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem for a complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix.

Find eigenvalues w and optionally eigenvectors v of matrix `a`, where `b` is positive definite::

a v:,i = wi b v:,i vi,:.conj() a v:,i = wi vi,:.conj() b v:,i = 1

Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like A complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed. b : (M, M) array_like, optional A complex Hermitian or real symmetric definite positive matrix in. If omitted, identity matrix is assumed. lower : bool, optional Whether the pertinent array data is taken from the lower or upper triangle of `a`. (Default: lower) eigvals_only : bool, optional Whether to calculate only eigenvalues and no eigenvectors. (Default: both are calculated) turbo : bool, optional Use divide and conquer algorithm (faster but expensive in memory, only for generalized eigenvalue problem and if eigvals=None) eigvals : tuple (lo, hi), optional Indexes of the smallest and largest (in ascending order) eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors to be returned: 0 <= lo <= hi <= M-1. If omitted, all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned. type : int, optional Specifies the problem type to be solved:

type = 1: a v:,i = wi b v:,i

type = 2: a b v:,i = wi v:,i

type = 3: b a v:,i = wi v:,i overwrite_a : bool, optional Whether to overwrite data in `a` (may improve performance) overwrite_b : bool, optional Whether to overwrite data in `b` (may improve performance) check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.

Returns ------- w : (N,) float ndarray The N (1<=N<=M) selected eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its multiplicity. v : (M, N) complex ndarray (if eigvals_only == False)

The normalized selected eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue wi is the column v:,i.


type 1 and 3: v.conj() a v = w

type 2: inv(v).conj() a inv(v) = w

type = 1 or 2: v.conj() b v = I

type = 3: v.conj() inv(b) v = I

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge, an error occurred, or b matrix is not definite positive. Note that if input matrices are not symmetric or hermitian, no error is reported but results will be wrong.

See Also -------- eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hermitian arrays eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices

Notes ----- This function does not check the input array for being hermitian/symmetric in order to allow for representing arrays with only their upper/lower triangular parts.

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import eigh >>> A = np.array([6, 3, 1, 5], [3, 0, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2], [5, 1, 2, 2]) >>> w, v = eigh(A) >>> np.allclose(A @ v - v @ np.diag(w), np.zeros((4, 4))) True

val eigh_tridiagonal : ?eigvals_only:Py.Object.t -> ?select:[ `A | `V | `I ] -> ?select_range:Py.Object.t -> ?check_finite:bool -> ?tol:float -> ?lapack_driver:string -> d:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> e:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t * [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Solve eigenvalue problem for a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.

Find eigenvalues `w` and optionally right eigenvectors `v` of ``a``::

a v:,i = wi v:,i v.H v = identity

For a real symmetric matrix ``a`` with diagonal elements `d` and off-diagonal elements `e`.

Parameters ---------- d : ndarray, shape (ndim,) The diagonal elements of the array. e : ndarray, shape (ndim-1,) The off-diagonal elements of the array. select : 'a', 'v', 'i', optional Which eigenvalues to calculate

====== ======================================== select calculated ====== ======================================== 'a' All eigenvalues 'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max] 'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max ====== ======================================== select_range : (min, max), optional Range of selected eigenvalues check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. tol : float The absolute tolerance to which each eigenvalue is required (only used when 'stebz' is the `lapack_driver`). An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to have converged if it lies in an interval of this width. If <= 0. (default), the value ``eps*|a|`` is used where eps is the machine precision, and ``|a|`` is the 1-norm of the matrix ``a``. lapack_driver : str LAPACK function to use, can be 'auto', 'stemr', 'stebz', 'sterf', or 'stev'. When 'auto' (default), it will use 'stemr' if ``select='a'`` and 'stebz' otherwise. When 'stebz' is used to find the eigenvalues and ``eigvals_only=False``, then a second LAPACK call (to ``?STEIN``) is used to find the corresponding eigenvectors. 'sterf' can only be used when ``eigvals_only=True`` and ``select='a'``. 'stev' can only be used when ``select='a'``.

Returns ------- w : (M,) ndarray The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its multiplicity. v : (M, M) ndarray The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``wi`` is the column ``v:,i``.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge.

See Also -------- eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays eig_banded : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices

Notes ----- This function makes use of LAPACK ``S/DSTEMR`` routines.

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import eigh_tridiagonal >>> d = 3*np.ones(4) >>> e = -1*np.ones(3) >>> w, v = eigh_tridiagonal(d, e) >>> A = np.diag(d) + np.diag(e, k=1) + np.diag(e, k=-1) >>> np.allclose(A @ v - v @ np.diag(w), np.zeros((4, 4))) True

val eigvals : ?b:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> ?overwrite_a:bool -> ?check_finite:bool -> ?homogeneous_eigvals:bool -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Compute eigenvalues from an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem.

Find eigenvalues of a general matrix::

a vr:,i = wi b vr:,i

Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed. b : (M, M) array_like, optional Right-hand side matrix in a generalized eigenvalue problem. If omitted, identity matrix is assumed. overwrite_a : bool, optional Whether to overwrite data in a (may improve performance) check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. homogeneous_eigvals : bool, optional If True, return the eigenvalues in homogeneous coordinates. In this case ``w`` is a (2, M) array so that::

w1,i a vr:,i = w0,i b vr:,i

Default is False.

Returns ------- w : (M,) or (2, M) double or complex ndarray The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity but not in any specific order. The shape is (M,) unless ``homogeneous_eigvals=True``.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge

See Also -------- eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays. eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hermitian arrays eigvals_banded : eigenvalues for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices

Examples -------- >>> from scipy import linalg >>> a = np.array([0., -1.], [1., 0.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a) array(0.+1.j, 0.-1.j)

>>> b = np.array([0., 1.], [1., 1.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a, b) array( 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j)

>>> a = np.array([3., 0., 0.], [0., 8., 0.], [0., 0., 7.]) >>> linalg.eigvals(a, homogeneous_eigvals=True) array([3.+0.j, 8.+0.j, 7.+0.j], [1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j])

val eigvals_banded : ?lower:bool -> ?overwrite_a_band:bool -> ?select:[ `A | `V | `I ] -> ?select_range:Py.Object.t -> ?check_finite:bool -> a_band:Py.Object.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Solve real symmetric or complex hermitian band matrix eigenvalue problem.

Find eigenvalues w of a::

a v:,i = wi v:,i v.H v = identity

The matrix a is stored in a_band either in lower diagonal or upper diagonal ordered form:

a_bandu + i - j, j == ai,j (if upper form; i <= j) a_band i - j, j == ai,j (if lower form; i >= j)

where u is the number of bands above the diagonal.

Example of a_band (shape of a is (6,6), u=2)::

upper form: * * a02 a13 a24 a35 * a01 a12 a23 a34 a45 a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55

lower form: a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a10 a21 a32 a43 a54 * a20 a31 a42 a53 * *

Cells marked with * are not used.

Parameters ---------- a_band : (u+1, M) array_like The bands of the M by M matrix a. lower : bool, optional Is the matrix in the lower form. (Default is upper form) overwrite_a_band : bool, optional Discard data in a_band (may enhance performance) select : 'a', 'v', 'i', optional Which eigenvalues to calculate

====== ======================================== select calculated ====== ======================================== 'a' All eigenvalues 'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max] 'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max ====== ======================================== select_range : (min, max), optional Range of selected eigenvalues check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.

Returns ------- w : (M,) ndarray The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its multiplicity.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge.

See Also -------- eig_banded : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices eigvals : eigenvalues of general arrays eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import eigvals_banded >>> A = np.array([1, 5, 2, 0], [5, 2, 5, 2], [2, 5, 3, 5], [0, 2, 5, 4]) >>> Ab = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 0], [2, 2, 0, 0]) >>> w = eigvals_banded(Ab, lower=True) >>> w array(-4.26200532, -2.22987175, 3.95222349, 12.53965359)

val eigvalsh : ?b:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> ?lower:bool -> ?overwrite_a:bool -> ?overwrite_b:bool -> ?turbo:bool -> ?eigvals:Py.Object.t -> ?type_:int -> ?check_finite:bool -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem for a complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix.

Find eigenvalues w of matrix a, where b is positive definite::

a v:,i = wi b v:,i vi,:.conj() a v:,i = wi vi,:.conj() b v:,i = 1

Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like A complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed. b : (M, M) array_like, optional A complex Hermitian or real symmetric definite positive matrix in. If omitted, identity matrix is assumed. lower : bool, optional Whether the pertinent array data is taken from the lower or upper triangle of `a`. (Default: lower) turbo : bool, optional Use divide and conquer algorithm (faster but expensive in memory, only for generalized eigenvalue problem and if eigvals=None) eigvals : tuple (lo, hi), optional Indexes of the smallest and largest (in ascending order) eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors to be returned: 0 <= lo < hi <= M-1. If omitted, all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned. type : int, optional Specifies the problem type to be solved:

type = 1: a v:,i = wi b v:,i

type = 2: a b v:,i = wi v:,i

type = 3: b a v:,i = wi v:,i overwrite_a : bool, optional Whether to overwrite data in `a` (may improve performance) overwrite_b : bool, optional Whether to overwrite data in `b` (may improve performance) check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.

Returns ------- w : (N,) float ndarray The N (1<=N<=M) selected eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its multiplicity.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge, an error occurred, or b matrix is not definite positive. Note that if input matrices are not symmetric or hermitian, no error is reported but results will be wrong.

See Also -------- eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays eigvals : eigenvalues of general arrays eigvals_banded : eigenvalues for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices

Notes ----- This function does not check the input array for being hermitian/symmetric in order to allow for representing arrays with only their upper/lower triangular parts.

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh >>> A = np.array([6, 3, 1, 5], [3, 0, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2], [5, 1, 2, 2]) >>> w = eigvalsh(A) >>> w array(-3.74637491, -0.76263923, 6.08502336, 12.42399079)

val eigvalsh_tridiagonal : ?select:[ `A | `V | `I ] -> ?select_range:Py.Object.t -> ?check_finite:bool -> ?tol:float -> ?lapack_driver:string -> d:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> e:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Solve eigenvalue problem for a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.

Find eigenvalues `w` of ``a``::

a v:,i = wi v:,i v.H v = identity

For a real symmetric matrix ``a`` with diagonal elements `d` and off-diagonal elements `e`.

Parameters ---------- d : ndarray, shape (ndim,) The diagonal elements of the array. e : ndarray, shape (ndim-1,) The off-diagonal elements of the array. select : 'a', 'v', 'i', optional Which eigenvalues to calculate

====== ======================================== select calculated ====== ======================================== 'a' All eigenvalues 'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max] 'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max ====== ======================================== select_range : (min, max), optional Range of selected eigenvalues check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. tol : float The absolute tolerance to which each eigenvalue is required (only used when ``lapack_driver='stebz'``). An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to have converged if it lies in an interval of this width. If <= 0. (default), the value ``eps*|a|`` is used where eps is the machine precision, and ``|a|`` is the 1-norm of the matrix ``a``. lapack_driver : str LAPACK function to use, can be 'auto', 'stemr', 'stebz', 'sterf', or 'stev'. When 'auto' (default), it will use 'stemr' if ``select='a'`` and 'stebz' otherwise. 'sterf' and 'stev' can only be used when ``select='a'``.

Returns ------- w : (M,) ndarray The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its multiplicity.

Raises ------ LinAlgError If eigenvalue computation does not converge.

See Also -------- eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh_tridiagonal, eigvalsh >>> d = 3*np.ones(4) >>> e = -1*np.ones(3) >>> w = eigvalsh_tridiagonal(d, e) >>> A = np.diag(d) + np.diag(e, k=1) + np.diag(e, k=-1) >>> w2 = eigvalsh(A) # Verify with other eigenvalue routines >>> np.allclose(w - w2, np.zeros(4)) True

val einsum : ?kwargs:(string * Py.Object.t) list -> Py.Object.t list -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

einsum(subscripts, *operands, out=None, dtype=None, order='K', casting='safe', optimize=False)

Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands.

Using the Einstein summation convention, many common multi-dimensional, linear algebraic array operations can be represented in a simple fashion. In *implicit* mode `einsum` computes these values.

In *explicit* mode, `einsum` provides further flexibility to compute other array operations that might not be considered classical Einstein summation operations, by disabling, or forcing summation over specified subscript labels.

See the notes and examples for clarification.

Parameters ---------- subscripts : str Specifies the subscripts for summation as comma separated list of subscript labels. An implicit (classical Einstein summation) calculation is performed unless the explicit indicator '->' is included as well as subscript labels of the precise output form. operands : list of array_like These are the arrays for the operation. out : ndarray, optional If provided, the calculation is done into this array. dtype : data-type, None, optional If provided, forces the calculation to use the data type specified. Note that you may have to also give a more liberal `casting` parameter to allow the conversions. Default is None. order : 'C', 'F', 'A', 'K', optional Controls the memory layout of the output. 'C' means it should be C contiguous. 'F' means it should be Fortran contiguous, 'A' means it should be 'F' if the inputs are all 'F', 'C' otherwise. 'K' means it should be as close to the layout as the inputs as is possible, including arbitrarily permuted axes. Default is 'K'. casting : 'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe', optional Controls what kind of data casting may occur. Setting this to 'unsafe' is not recommended, as it can adversely affect accumulations.

* 'no' means the data types should not be cast at all. * 'equiv' means only byte-order changes are allowed. * 'safe' means only casts which can preserve values are allowed. * 'same_kind' means only safe casts or casts within a kind, like float64 to float32, are allowed. * 'unsafe' means any data conversions may be done.

Default is 'safe'. optimize : False, True, 'greedy', 'optimal', optional Controls if intermediate optimization should occur. No optimization will occur if False and True will default to the 'greedy' algorithm. Also accepts an explicit contraction list from the ``np.einsum_path`` function. See ``np.einsum_path`` for more details. Defaults to False.

Returns ------- output : ndarray The calculation based on the Einstein summation convention.

See Also -------- einsum_path, dot, inner, outer, tensordot, linalg.multi_dot

Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 1.6.0

The Einstein summation convention can be used to compute many multi-dimensional, linear algebraic array operations. `einsum` provides a succinct way of representing these.

A non-exhaustive list of these operations, which can be computed by `einsum`, is shown below along with examples:

* Trace of an array, :py:func:`numpy.trace`. * Return a diagonal, :py:func:`numpy.diag`. * Array axis summations, :py:func:`numpy.sum`. * Transpositions and permutations, :py:func:`numpy.transpose`. * Matrix multiplication and dot product, :py:func:`numpy.matmul` :py:func:``. * Vector inner and outer products, :py:func:`numpy.inner` :py:func:`numpy.outer`. * Broadcasting, element-wise and scalar multiplication, :py:func:`numpy.multiply`. * Tensor contractions, :py:func:`numpy.tensordot`. * Chained array operations, in efficient calculation order, :py:func:`numpy.einsum_path`.

The subscripts string is a comma-separated list of subscript labels, where each label refers to a dimension of the corresponding operand. Whenever a label is repeated it is summed, so ``np.einsum('i,i', a, b)`` is equivalent to :py:func:`np.inner(a,b) <numpy.inner>`. If a label appears only once, it is not summed, so ``np.einsum('i', a)`` produces a view of ``a`` with no changes. A further example ``np.einsum('ij,jk', a, b)`` describes traditional matrix multiplication and is equivalent to :py:func:`np.matmul(a,b) <numpy.matmul>`. Repeated subscript labels in one operand take the diagonal. For example, ``np.einsum('ii', a)`` is equivalent to :py:func:`np.trace(a) <numpy.trace>`.

In *implicit mode*, the chosen subscripts are important since the axes of the output are reordered alphabetically. This means that ``np.einsum('ij', a)`` doesn't affect a 2D array, while ``np.einsum('ji', a)`` takes its transpose. Additionally, ``np.einsum('ij,jk', a, b)`` returns a matrix multiplication, while, ``np.einsum('ij,jh', a, b)`` returns the transpose of the multiplication since subscript 'h' precedes subscript 'i'.

In *explicit mode* the output can be directly controlled by specifying output subscript labels. This requires the identifier '->' as well as the list of output subscript labels. This feature increases the flexibility of the function since summing can be disabled or forced when required. The call ``np.einsum('i->', a)`` is like :py:func:`np.sum(a, axis=-1) <numpy.sum>`, and ``np.einsum('ii->i', a)`` is like :py:func:`np.diag(a) <numpy.diag>`. The difference is that `einsum` does not allow broadcasting by default. Additionally ``np.einsum('ij,jh->ih', a, b)`` directly specifies the order of the output subscript labels and therefore returns matrix multiplication, unlike the example above in implicit mode.

To enable and control broadcasting, use an ellipsis. Default NumPy-style broadcasting is done by adding an ellipsis to the left of each term, like ``np.einsum('...ii->...i', a)``. To take the trace along the first and last axes, you can do ``np.einsum('i...i', a)``, or to do a matrix-matrix product with the left-most indices instead of rightmost, one can do ``np.einsum('ij...,jk...->ik...', a, b)``.

When there is only one operand, no axes are summed, and no output parameter is provided, a view into the operand is returned instead of a new array. Thus, taking the diagonal as ``np.einsum('ii->i', a)`` produces a view (changed in version 1.10.0).

`einsum` also provides an alternative way to provide the subscripts and operands as ``einsum(op0, sublist0, op1, sublist1, ..., sublistout)``. If the output shape is not provided in this format `einsum` will be calculated in implicit mode, otherwise it will be performed explicitly. The examples below have corresponding `einsum` calls with the two parameter methods.

.. versionadded:: 1.10.0

Views returned from einsum are now writeable whenever the input array is writeable. For example, ``np.einsum('ijk...->kji...', a)`` will now have the same effect as :py:func:`np.swapaxes(a, 0, 2) <numpy.swapaxes>` and ``np.einsum('ii->i', a)`` will return a writeable view of the diagonal of a 2D array.

.. versionadded:: 1.12.0

Added the ``optimize`` argument which will optimize the contraction order of an einsum expression. For a contraction with three or more operands this can greatly increase the computational efficiency at the cost of a larger memory footprint during computation.

Typically a 'greedy' algorithm is applied which empirical tests have shown returns the optimal path in the majority of cases. In some cases 'optimal' will return the superlative path through a more expensive, exhaustive search. For iterative calculations it may be advisable to calculate the optimal path once and reuse that path by supplying it as an argument. An example is given below.

See :py:func:`numpy.einsum_path` for more details.

Examples -------- >>> a = np.arange(25).reshape(5,5) >>> b = np.arange(5) >>> c = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3)

Trace of a matrix:

>>> np.einsum('ii', a) 60 >>> np.einsum(a, 0,0) 60 >>> np.trace(a) 60

Extract the diagonal (requires explicit form):

>>> np.einsum('ii->i', a) array( 0, 6, 12, 18, 24) >>> np.einsum(a, 0,0, 0) array( 0, 6, 12, 18, 24) >>> np.diag(a) array( 0, 6, 12, 18, 24)

Sum over an axis (requires explicit form):

>>> np.einsum('ij->i', a) array( 10, 35, 60, 85, 110) >>> np.einsum(a, 0,1, 0) array( 10, 35, 60, 85, 110) >>> np.sum(a, axis=1) array( 10, 35, 60, 85, 110)

For higher dimensional arrays summing a single axis can be done with ellipsis:

>>> np.einsum('...j->...', a) array( 10, 35, 60, 85, 110) >>> np.einsum(a, Ellipsis,1, Ellipsis) array( 10, 35, 60, 85, 110)

Compute a matrix transpose, or reorder any number of axes:

>>> np.einsum('ji', c) array([0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]) >>> np.einsum('ij->ji', c) array([0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]) >>> np.einsum(c, 1,0) array([0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]) >>> np.transpose(c) array([0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5])

Vector inner products:

>>> np.einsum('i,i', b, b) 30 >>> np.einsum(b, 0, b, 0) 30 >>> np.inner(b,b) 30

Matrix vector multiplication:

>>> np.einsum('ij,j', a, b) array( 30, 80, 130, 180, 230) >>> np.einsum(a, 0,1, b, 1) array( 30, 80, 130, 180, 230) >>>, b) array( 30, 80, 130, 180, 230) >>> np.einsum('...j,j', a, b) array( 30, 80, 130, 180, 230)

Broadcasting and scalar multiplication:

>>> np.einsum('..., ...', 3, c) array([ 0, 3, 6], [ 9, 12, 15]) >>> np.einsum(',ij', 3, c) array([ 0, 3, 6], [ 9, 12, 15]) >>> np.einsum(3, Ellipsis, c, Ellipsis) array([ 0, 3, 6], [ 9, 12, 15]) >>> np.multiply(3, c) array([ 0, 3, 6], [ 9, 12, 15])

Vector outer product:

>>> np.einsum('i,j', np.arange(2)+1, b) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) >>> np.einsum(np.arange(2)+1, 0, b, 1) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]) >>> np.outer(np.arange(2)+1, b) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])

Tensor contraction:

>>> a = np.arange(60.).reshape(3,4,5) >>> b = np.arange(24.).reshape(4,3,2) >>> np.einsum('ijk,jil->kl', a, b) array([4400., 4730.], [4532., 4874.], [4664., 5018.], [4796., 5162.], [4928., 5306.]) >>> np.einsum(a, 0,1,2, b, 1,0,3, 2,3) array([4400., 4730.], [4532., 4874.], [4664., 5018.], [4796., 5162.], [4928., 5306.]) >>> np.tensordot(a,b, axes=(1,0,0,1)) array([4400., 4730.], [4532., 4874.], [4664., 5018.], [4796., 5162.], [4928., 5306.])

Writeable returned arrays (since version 1.10.0):

>>> a = np.zeros((3, 3)) >>> np.einsum('ii->i', a): = 1 >>> a array([1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.])

Example of ellipsis use:

>>> a = np.arange(6).reshape((3,2)) >>> b = np.arange(12).reshape((4,3)) >>> np.einsum('ki,jk->ij', a, b) array([10, 28, 46, 64], [13, 40, 67, 94]) >>> np.einsum('ki,...k->i...', a, b) array([10, 28, 46, 64], [13, 40, 67, 94]) >>> np.einsum('k...,jk', a, b) array([10, 28, 46, 64], [13, 40, 67, 94])

Chained array operations. For more complicated contractions, speed ups might be achieved by repeatedly computing a 'greedy' path or pre-computing the 'optimal' path and repeatedly applying it, using an `einsum_path` insertion (since version 1.12.0). Performance improvements can be particularly significant with larger arrays:

>>> a = np.ones(64).reshape(2,4,8)

Basic `einsum`: ~1520ms (benchmarked on 3.1GHz Intel i5.)

>>> for iteration in range(500): ... _ = np.einsum('ijk,ilm,njm,nlk,abc->',a,a,a,a,a)

Sub-optimal `einsum` (due to repeated path calculation time): ~330ms

>>> for iteration in range(500): ... _ = np.einsum('ijk,ilm,njm,nlk,abc->',a,a,a,a,a, optimize='optimal')

Greedy `einsum` (faster optimal path approximation): ~160ms

>>> for iteration in range(500): ... _ = np.einsum('ijk,ilm,njm,nlk,abc->',a,a,a,a,a, optimize='greedy')

Optimal `einsum` (best usage pattern in some use cases): ~110ms

>>> path = np.einsum_path('ijk,ilm,njm,nlk,abc->',a,a,a,a,a, optimize='optimal')0 >>> for iteration in range(500): ... _ = np.einsum('ijk,ilm,njm,nlk,abc->',a,a,a,a,a, optimize=path)

val empty : ?dtype:Np.Dtype.t -> ?order:[ `C | `F ] -> shape:[ `I of int | `Tuple_of_int of Py.Object.t ] -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

empty(shape, dtype=float, order='C')

Return a new array of given shape and type, without initializing entries.

Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple of int Shape of the empty array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. dtype : data-type, optional Desired output data-type for the array, e.g, `numpy.int8`. Default is `numpy.float64`. order : 'C', 'F', optional, default: 'C' Whether to store multi-dimensional data in row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order in memory.

Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of uninitialized (arbitrary) data of the given shape, dtype, and order. Object arrays will be initialized to None.

See Also -------- empty_like : Return an empty array with shape and type of input. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero. full : Return a new array of given shape filled with value.

Notes ----- `empty`, unlike `zeros`, does not set the array values to zero, and may therefore be marginally faster. On the other hand, it requires the user to manually set all the values in the array, and should be used with caution.

Examples -------- >>> np.empty(2, 2) array([ -9.74499359e+001, 6.69583040e-309], [ 2.13182611e-314, 3.06959433e-309]) #uninitialized

>>> np.empty(2, 2, dtype=int) array([-1073741821, -1067949133], [ 496041986, 19249760]) #uninitialized

val eye : ?m:int -> ?k:int -> ?dtype:Np.Dtype.t -> ?order:[ `C | `F ] -> n:int -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

Parameters ---------- N : int Number of rows in the output. M : int, optional Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`. k : int, optional Index of the diagonal: 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal, a positive value refers to an upper diagonal, and a negative value to a lower diagonal. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the returned array. order : 'C', 'F', optional Whether the output should be stored in row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order in memory.

.. versionadded:: 1.14.0

Returns ------- I : ndarray of shape (N,M) An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the `k`-th diagonal, whose values are equal to one.

See Also -------- identity : (almost) equivalent function diag : diagonal 2-D array from a 1-D array specified by the user.

Examples -------- >>> np.eye(2, dtype=int) array([1, 0], [0, 1]) >>> np.eye(3, k=1) array([0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0.])

val flatnonzero : [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Return indices that are non-zero in the flattened version of a.

This is equivalent to np.nonzero(np.ravel(a))0.

Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input data.

Returns ------- res : ndarray Output array, containing the indices of the elements of `a.ravel()` that are non-zero.

See Also -------- nonzero : Return the indices of the non-zero elements of the input array. ravel : Return a 1-D array containing the elements of the input array.

Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(-2, 3) >>> x array(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2) >>> np.flatnonzero(x) array(0, 1, 3, 4)

Use the indices of the non-zero elements as an index array to extract these elements:

>>> x.ravel()np.flatnonzero(x) array(-2, -1, 1, 2)

val get_lapack_funcs : ?arrays:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t list -> ?dtype:[ `S of string | `Dtype of Np.Dtype.t ] -> names:[ `Sequence_of_str of Py.Object.t | `S of string ] -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Return available LAPACK function objects from names.

Arrays are used to determine the optimal prefix of LAPACK routines.

Parameters ---------- names : str or sequence of str Name(s) of LAPACK functions without type prefix.

arrays : sequence of ndarrays, optional Arrays can be given to determine optimal prefix of LAPACK routines. If not given, double-precision routines will be used, otherwise the most generic type in arrays will be used.

dtype : str or dtype, optional Data-type specifier. Not used if `arrays` is non-empty.

Returns ------- funcs : list List containing the found function(s).

Notes ----- This routine automatically chooses between Fortran/C interfaces. Fortran code is used whenever possible for arrays with column major order. In all other cases, C code is preferred.

In LAPACK, the naming convention is that all functions start with a type prefix, which depends on the type of the principal matrix. These can be one of 's', 'd', 'c', 'z' for the numpy types float32, float64, complex64, complex128 respectively, and are stored in attribute ``typecode`` of the returned functions.

Examples -------- Suppose we would like to use '?lange' routine which computes the selected norm of an array. We pass our array in order to get the correct 'lange' flavor.

>>> import scipy.linalg as LA >>> a = np.random.rand(3,2) >>> x_lange = LA.get_lapack_funcs('lange', (a,)) >>> x_lange.typecode 'd' >>> x_lange = LA.get_lapack_funcs('lange',(a*1j,)) >>> x_lange.typecode 'z'

Several LAPACK routines work best when its internal WORK array has the optimal size (big enough for fast computation and small enough to avoid waste of memory). This size is determined also by a dedicated query to the function which is often wrapped as a standalone function and commonly denoted as ``###_lwork``. Below is an example for ``?sysv``

>>> import scipy.linalg as LA >>> a = np.random.rand(1000,1000) >>> b = np.random.rand(1000,1)*1j >>> # We pick up zsysv and zsysv_lwork due to b array ... xsysv, xlwork = LA.get_lapack_funcs(('sysv', 'sysv_lwork'), (a, b)) >>> opt_lwork, _ = xlwork(a.shape0) # returns a complex for 'z' prefix >>> udut, ipiv, x, info = xsysv(a, b, lwork=int(opt_lwork.real))

val hessenberg : ?calc_q:bool -> ?overwrite_a:bool -> ?check_finite:bool -> a:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t * [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

Compute Hessenberg form of a matrix.

The Hessenberg decomposition is::

A = Q H Q^H

where `Q` is unitary/orthogonal and `H` has only zero elements below the first sub-diagonal.

Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like Matrix to bring into Hessenberg form. calc_q : bool, optional Whether to compute the transformation matrix. Default is False. overwrite_a : bool, optional Whether to overwrite `a`; may improve performance. Default is False. check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.

Returns ------- H : (M, M) ndarray Hessenberg form of `a`. Q : (M, M) ndarray Unitary/orthogonal similarity transformation matrix ``A = Q H Q^H``. Only returned if ``calc_q=True``.

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import hessenberg >>> A = np.array([2, 5, 8, 7], [5, 2, 2, 8], [7, 5, 6, 6], [5, 4, 4, 8]) >>> H, Q = hessenberg(A, calc_q=True) >>> H array([ 2. , -11.65843866, 1.42005301, 0.25349066], [ -9.94987437, 14.53535354, -5.31022304, 2.43081618], [ 0. , -1.83299243, 0.38969961, -0.51527034], [ 0. , 0. , -3.83189513, 1.07494686]) >>> np.allclose(Q @ H @ Q.conj().T - A, np.zeros((4, 4))) True

val iscomplex : [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Returns a bool array, where True if input element is complex.

What is tested is whether the input has a non-zero imaginary part, not if the input type is complex.

Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input array.

Returns ------- out : ndarray of bools Output array.

See Also -------- isreal iscomplexobj : Return True if x is a complex type or an array of complex numbers.

Examples -------- >>> np.iscomplex(1+1j, 1+0j, 4.5, 3, 2, 2j) array( True, False, False, False, False, True)

val iscomplexobj : Py.Object.t -> bool

Check for a complex type or an array of complex numbers.

The type of the input is checked, not the value. Even if the input has an imaginary part equal to zero, `iscomplexobj` evaluates to True.

Parameters ---------- x : any The input can be of any type and shape.

Returns ------- iscomplexobj : bool The return value, True if `x` is of a complex type or has at least one complex element.

See Also -------- isrealobj, iscomplex

Examples -------- >>> np.iscomplexobj(1) False >>> np.iscomplexobj(1+0j) True >>> np.iscomplexobj(3, 1+0j, True) True

val isfinite : ?out: [ `Ndarray of [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t | `Tuple_of_ndarray_and_None of Py.Object.t ] -> ?where:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> x:[> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

isfinite(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True, signature, extobj)

Test element-wise for finiteness (not infinity or not Not a Number).

The result is returned as a boolean array.

Parameters ---------- x : array_like Input values. out : ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. If not provided or None, a freshly-allocated array is returned. A tuple (possible only as a keyword argument) must have length equal to the number of outputs. where : array_like, optional This condition is broadcast over the input. At locations where the condition is True, the `out` array will be set to the ufunc result. Elsewhere, the `out` array will retain its original value. Note that if an uninitialized `out` array is created via the default ``out=None``, locations within it where the condition is False will remain uninitialized. **kwargs For other keyword-only arguments, see the :ref:`ufunc docs <ufuncs.kwargs>`.

Returns ------- y : ndarray, bool True where ``x`` is not positive infinity, negative infinity, or NaN; false otherwise. This is a scalar if `x` is a scalar.

See Also -------- isinf, isneginf, isposinf, isnan

Notes ----- Not a Number, positive infinity and negative infinity are considered to be non-finite.

NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity. Also that positive infinity is not equivalent to negative infinity. But infinity is equivalent to positive infinity. Errors result if the second argument is also supplied when `x` is a scalar input, or if first and second arguments have different shapes.

Examples -------- >>> np.isfinite(1) True >>> np.isfinite(0) True >>> np.isfinite(np.nan) False >>> np.isfinite(np.inf) False >>> np.isfinite(np.NINF) False >>> np.isfinite(np.log(-1.),1.,np.log(0)) array(False, True, False)

>>> x = np.array(-np.inf, 0., np.inf) >>> y = np.array(2, 2, 2) >>> np.isfinite(x, y) array(0, 1, 0) >>> y array(0, 1, 0)

val nonzero : [> `Ndarray ] Np.Obj.t -> Py.Object.t

Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.

Returns a tuple of arrays, one for each dimension of `a`, containing the indices of the non-zero elements in that dimension. The values in `a` are always tested and returned in row-major, C-style order.

To group the indices by element, rather than dimension, use `argwhere`, which returns a row for each non-zero element.

.. note::

When called on a zero-d array or scalar, ``nonzero(a)`` is treated as ``nonzero(atleast1d(a))``.

.. deprecated:: 1.17.0

Use `atleast1d` explicitly if this behavior is deliberate.

Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array.

Returns ------- tuple_of_arrays : tuple Indices of elements that are non-zero.

See Also -------- flatnonzero : Return indices that are non-zero in the flattened version of the input array. ndarray.nonzero : Equivalent ndarray method. count_nonzero : Counts the number of non-zero elements in the input array.

Notes ----- While the nonzero values can be obtained with ``anonzero(a)``, it is recommended to use ``xx.astype(bool)`` or ``xx != 0`` instead, which will correctly handle 0-d arrays.

Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([3, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0]) >>> x array([3, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [5, 6, 0]) >>> np.nonzero(x) (array(0, 1, 2, 2), array(0, 1, 0, 1))

>>> xnp.nonzero(x) array(3, 4, 5, 6) >>> np.transpose(np.nonzero(x)) array([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1])

A common use for ``nonzero`` is to find the indices of an array, where a condition is True. Given an array `a`, the condition `a` > 3 is a boolean array and since False is interpreted as 0, np.nonzero(a > 3) yields the indices of the `a` where the condition is true.

>>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]) >>> a > 3 array([False, False, False], [ True, True, True], [ True, True, True]) >>> np.nonzero(a > 3) (array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), array(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2))

Using this result to index `a` is equivalent to using the mask directly:

>>> anp.nonzero(a > 3) array(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) >>> aa > 3 # prefer this spelling array(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

``nonzero`` can also be called as a method of the array.

>>> (a > 3).nonzero() (array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), array(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2))

val norm : ?ord:[ `Fro | `PyObject of Py.Object.t ] -> ?axis:[ `T2_tuple_of_ints of Py.Object.t | `I of int ] -> ?keepdims:bool -> ?check_finite:bool -> a:Py.Object.t -> unit -> Py.Object.t

Matrix or vector norm.

This function is able to return one of seven different matrix norms, or one of an infinite number of vector norms (described below), depending on the value of the ``ord`` parameter.

Parameters ---------- a : (M,) or (M, N) array_like Input array. If `axis` is None, `a` must be 1-D or 2-D. ord : non-zero int, inf, -inf, 'fro', optional Order of the norm (see table under ``Notes``). inf means numpy's `inf` object axis : nt, 2-tuple of ints, None, optional If `axis` is an integer, it specifies the axis of `a` along which to compute the vector norms. If `axis` is a 2-tuple, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices, and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed. If `axis` is None then either a vector norm (when `a` is 1-D) or a matrix norm (when `a` is 2-D) is returned. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are normed over are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option the result will broadcast correctly against the original `a`. check_finite : bool, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.

Returns ------- n : float or ndarray Norm of the matrix or vector(s).

Notes ----- For values of ``ord <= 0``, the result is, strictly speaking, not a mathematical 'norm', but it may still be useful for various numerical purposes.

The following norms can be calculated:

===== ============================ ========================== ord norm for matrices norm for vectors ===== ============================ ========================== None Frobenius norm 2-norm 'fro' Frobenius norm -- inf max(sum(abs(x), axis=1)) max(abs(x)) -inf min(sum(abs(x), axis=1)) min(abs(x)) 0 -- sum(x != 0) 1 max(sum(abs(x), axis=0)) as below -1 min(sum(abs(x), axis=0)) as below 2 2-norm (largest sing. value) as below -2 smallest singular value as below other -- sum(abs(x)**ord)**(1./ord) ===== ============================ ==========================

The Frobenius norm is given by 1_:

:math:`||A||_F = \sum_{i,j} abs(a_{i,j})^2^



The ``axis`` and ``keepdims`` arguments are passed directly to ``numpy.linalg.norm`` and are only usable if they are supported by the version of numpy in use.

References ---------- .. 1 G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, *Matrix Computations*, Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, pg. 15

Examples -------- >>> from scipy.linalg import norm >>> a = np.arange(9) - 4.0 >>> a array(-4., -3., -2., -1., 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.) >>> b = a.reshape((3, 3)) >>> b array([-4., -3., -2.], [-1., 0., 1.], [ 2., 3., 4.])

>>> norm(a) 7.745966692414834 >>> norm(b) 7.745966692414834 >>> norm(b, 'fro') 7.745966692414834 >>> norm(a, np.inf) 4 >>> norm(b, np.inf) 9 >>> norm(a, -np.inf) 0 >>> norm(b, -np.inf) 2

>>> norm(a, 1) 20 >>> norm(b, 1) 7 >>> norm(a, -1) -4.6566128774142013e-010 >>> norm(b, -1) 6 >>> norm(a, 2) 7.745966692414834 >>> norm(b, 2) 7.3484692283495345

>>> norm(a, -2) 0 >>> norm(b, -2) 1.8570331885190563e-016 >>> norm(a, 3) 5.8480354764257312 >>> norm(a, -3) 0

val zeros : ?dtype:Np.Dtype.t -> ?order:[ `C | `F ] -> shape:int list -> unit -> [ `ArrayLike | `Ndarray | `Object ] Np.Obj.t

zeros(shape, dtype=float, order='C')

Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros.

Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple of ints Shape of the new array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array, e.g., `numpy.int8`. Default is `numpy.float64`. order : 'C', 'F', optional, default: 'C' Whether to store multi-dimensional data in row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order in memory.

Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of zeros with the given shape, dtype, and order.

See Also -------- zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input. empty : Return a new uninitialized array. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. full : Return a new array of given shape filled with value.

Examples -------- >>> np.zeros(5) array( 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)

>>> np.zeros((5,), dtype=int) array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

>>> np.zeros((2, 1)) array([ 0.], [ 0.])

>>> s = (2,2) >>> np.zeros(s) array([ 0., 0.], [ 0., 0.])

>>> np.zeros((2,), dtype=('x', 'i4'), ('y', 'i4')) # custom dtype array((0, 0), (0, 0), dtype=('x', '<i4'), ('y', '<i4'))


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