What Our Users Say About Ocaml

Read our success stories to learn how OCaml helped our users achieve their goals.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

These companies and organizations rely on OCaml every day — along with thousands of other developers.
Jane Street

Case Studies

Read how OCaml users are solving real-world problems and how OCaml was a key to their success.

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Sensor Analytics and Automation Platform for Sustainable Agriculture

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Large Scale Trading System

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Peta-Byte Scale Web Crawler

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Social Network for Sports and Athletes

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Modeling Language for Finance

If you want to contribute to a new success story, check out the Contributing Guide on GitHub.

Other Industry Users of OCaml

With its strong security features and high performance, several companies rely on OCaml to keep
their data operating both safely and efficiently. On this page, you can get an overview of the
companies in the community and learn more about how they use OCaml.

If you want to contribute to add a new industrial user, check out the Contributing Guide on GitHub.