OCaml Cookbook Recipes

The OCaml Cookbook is a place where OCaml developers share how to solve common tasks using packages from the ecosystem.

A task is something that needs to be done inside a project. A recipe is a code sample and explanations on how to perform a task using a combination of open source libraries. Some tasks can be performed using different combination of libraries, each is a different recipe. Tasks don't describe how to use the standard library or language features.

OCaml developers are warmly invited to contribute categories, tasks, and recipes. See the Cookbook section of the CONTRIBUTING.md file in our GitHub repo.

The OCaml guides are recommend reading, for instance recipes handle errors as described in the Error Handling guide.

Command Line

Opam Packages Used
Parse Command Line Arguments

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Using the ANSI Terminal

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Compilation & Linking

Opam Packages Used
Compile and Link to a Bundled C Library

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Generate OCaml Bindings for a C Library

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Concurrency & Parallelism

Parallelism & Multi-Threading

Opam Packages Used
Spawn a Thread and Receive a Response

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Pass Data Between Parallel Threads

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Data Structures & Algorithms

Hash Tables

Opam Packages Used
Use a Hash Table With Given Key and Value Types

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Opam Packages Used

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PostgreSQL Aggregate Query

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PostgreSQL Full Text Search

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Date and Time

Opam Packages Used
Measure Elapsed Time

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Convert a Local Time to Another Time Zone

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Convert Between Date and Unix Timestamp

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Display Formatted Date and Time

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Parse Date and Time from String

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Opam Packages Used
Debug Print a Value

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Log a Debug / Error Message to Stdout / Stderr

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Log to the Unix Syslog

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Opam Packages Used

File System

Opam Packages Used
File Size

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Change File Permissions

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Walk File Tree

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Find Files Matching a Pattern

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Graphical User Interfaces

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Text Processing

Unicode / UTF-8

Opam Packages Used

Web Programming

Media Types (MIME)

Opam Packages Used
Get MIME Type From String

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Get MIME Type From Filename

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Parse MIME Type of an HTTP Response

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Running a Web Server

Opam Packages Used
Start a Web Server With a 'Hello World' Endpoint

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Start a Web Server That Serves an HTML Template

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Use Basic Authentication to Secure a Route

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Dealing with HTML


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