package uri

  1. Overview
  2. No Docs
An RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library


Dune Dependency






This is an OCaml implementation of the RFC3986 specification for parsing URI or URLs.

Dependencies (4)

  1. angstrom >= "0.14.0"
  2. stringext >= "1.4.0"
  3. dune >= "1.2.0"
  4. ocaml >= "4.08.0"

Dev Dependencies (3)

  1. crowbar with-test & >= "0.2"
  2. ppx_sexp_conv with-test & >= "v0.9.0"
  3. ounit2 with-test & >= "1.0.2"

  1. amqp-client-async >= "2.1.0"
  2. amqp-client-lwt >= "2.1.0"
  3. arakoon >= "1.9.0"
  4. archetype < "0.1.5" | >= "1.2.10"
  5. async-uri < "0.2" | = "0.3.0"
  6. async_js >= "v0.13.0"
  7. aws >= "1.0.0"
  8. aws-s3 >= "4.0.0"
  9. azblob
  10. azure-cosmos-db
  11. bap >= "0.9.4" & < "1.0.0"
  12. bap-bundle
  13. bap-byteweight >= "2.2.0"
  14. bap-patterns
  15. bap-plugins >= "2.2.0"
  16. bap-server
  17. bap-std < "2.0.0" | >= "2.2.0"
  18. bap-trace >= "2.2.0"
  19. bap-traces
  20. bap-veri
  21. beluga >= "1.1"
  22. biocaml >= "0.4.0"
  23. biotk >= "0.2.0"
  24. bonsai >= "v0.16.0"
  25. bt
  26. builder-web
  27. calculon-web
  28. caldav
  29. camyll >= "0.3.0"
  30. canary
  31. capnp-rpc-lwt >= "0.2"
  32. capnp-rpc-net
  33. caqti
  34. caqti-driver-postgresql >= "1.9.1"
  35. carbon
  36. cohttp >= "2.1.3"
  37. cohttp-async >= "2.1.3"
  38. cohttp-curl-async
  39. cohttp-curl-lwt
  40. cohttp-eio
  41. cohttp-lwt >= "4.0.0"
  42. conduit >= "1.3.0" & != "3.0.0"
  43. conduit-async = "2.3.0" | >= "4.0.0"
  44. conduit-lwt-unix
  45. conduit-mirage = "2.3.0" | >= "4.0.0"
  46. cookie
  47. coq-lsp >= "0.1.5+8.16"
  48. cow >= "0.5.4"
  49. current_examples >= "0.4"
  50. current_github >= "0.4"
  51. current_slack >= "0.4"
  52. current_web >= "0.4"
  53. datakit
  54. datakit-bridge-github
  55. datakit-ci >= "1.0.0"
  56. datakit-client < "0.11.0"
  57. datakit-github
  58. datakit-server < "0.11.0"
  59. dns < "0.7.0" | >= "1.0.0" & < "4.0.0"
  60. doi2bib = "0.4.0"
  61. dream
  62. dream-pure
  63. dropbox < "0.2"
  64. ezresto
  65. facebook-sdk
  66. forester >= "4.1.0"
  67. functoria >= "4.0.0~beta1"
  68. gemini
  69. git
  70. git-cohttp
  71. git-cohttp-mirage
  72. git-cohttp-unix
  73. git-mirage >= "3.7.0"
  74. git-paf
  75. git-unix >= "3.0.0"
  76. github >= "0.3.1"
  77. gitlab
  78. gluon
  79. grpc
  80. guardian
  81. httpaf_caged
  82. hvsock >= "2.0.0"
  83. hyper
  84. icalendar
  85. ip2locationio
  86. irmin
  87. irmin-cli
  88. irmin-git >= "2.3.0"
  89. irmin-http >= "2.3.0"
  90. irmin-mirage-git >= "2.3.0"
  91. irmin-mirage-graphql >= "2.3.0"
  92. irmin-server
  93. irmin-unix >= "2.3.0"
  94. json-data-encoding
  95. ketrew
  96. kubecaml
  97. lambda-runtime
  98. letsencrypt >= "0.3.0"
  99. links >= "0.9"
  100. liquidsoap >= "2.1.1" & < "2.2.0"
  101. liquidsoap-core
  102. lsp = "1.12.3"
  103. mechaml >= "1.2.0"
  104. mehari
  105. mehari-eio < "0.3"
  106. memtrace_viewer < "v0.15.0"
  107. message-switch
  108. minima-theme
  109. mirage >= "4.5.0"
  110. mirage-block-unix >= "2.4.0"
  111. monorobot
  112. moss
  113. naboris
  114. nbd >= "2.0.1"
  115. nbd-tool
  116. obi
  117. ocaml-lsp-server = "1.12.3"
  118. ocaml_openapi_generator
  119. ocplib-json-typed
  120. octez-client
  121. octez-internal-libs
  122. octez-libs
  123. octez-node
  124. octez-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo-libs
  125. octez-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv-libs
  126. octez-protocol-003-PsddFKi3-libs
  127. octez-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi-libs
  128. octez-protocol-005-PsBabyM1-libs
  129. octez-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-libs
  130. octez-protocol-007-PsDELPH1-libs
  131. octez-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk-libs
  132. octez-protocol-009-PsFLoren-libs
  133. octez-protocol-010-PtGRANAD-libs
  134. octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs
  135. octez-protocol-012-Psithaca-libs
  136. octez-protocol-013-PtJakart-libs
  137. octez-protocol-014-PtKathma-libs
  138. octez-protocol-015-PtLimaPt-libs
  139. octez-protocol-016-PtMumbai-libs
  140. octez-protocol-017-PtNairob-libs
  141. octez-protocol-018-Proxford-libs
  142. octez-protocol-019-PtParisB-libs
  143. octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs
  144. octez-protocol-alpha-libs
  145. octez-proxy-server
  146. octez-shell-libs
  147. octez-smart-rollup-client-PtMumbai < "17.1"
  148. octez-tx-rollup-client-PtKathma
  149. octez-tx-rollup-client-PtLimaPt
  150. oidc
  151. omigrate
  152. opam-query
  153. opam2web >= "1.3.0"
  154. opamfu
  155. opium >= "0.19.0"
  156. paf
  157. paf-cohttp
  158. pf-qubes
  159. piaf
  160. pure-html
  161. rdf >= "0.10.0"
  162. resto
  163. resto-acl
  164. resto-cohttp-client
  165. resto-cohttp-self-serving-client
  166. riot
  167. rss
  168. sarif
  169. satyrographos >= ""
  170. scgi
  171. sentry
  172. server-reason-react
  173. slack
  174. sociaml-facebook-api
  175. sociaml-oauth-client
  176. sociaml-tumblr-api
  177. spotify-web-api
  178. stog >= "0.17.0"
  179. syndic
  180. textrazor
  181. tezos-baking-012-Psithaca >= "14.0"
  182. tezos-baking-012-Psithaca-commands >= "14.0"
  183. tezos-baking-013-PtJakart >= "14.0"
  184. tezos-baking-013-PtJakart-commands >= "14.0"
  185. tezos-baking-014-PtKathma
  186. tezos-baking-014-PtKathma-commands
  187. tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt
  188. tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt-commands
  189. tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai
  190. tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai-commands
  191. tezos-baking-017-PtNairob
  192. tezos-baking-017-PtNairob-commands
  193. tezos-baking-alpha >= "14.0"
  194. tezos-baking-alpha-commands >= "14.0"
  195. tezos-base >= "14.0"
  196. tezos-client >= "14.0"
  197. tezos-client-001-PtCJ7pwo >= "14.0"
  198. tezos-client-002-PsYLVpVv >= "14.0"
  199. tezos-client-003-PsddFKi3 >= "14.0"
  200. tezos-client-004-Pt24m4xi >= "14.0"
  201. tezos-client-005-PsBabyM1 >= "14.0"
  202. tezos-client-006-PsCARTHA >= "14.0"
  203. tezos-client-007-PsDELPH1 >= "14.0"
  204. tezos-client-008-PtEdo2Zk >= "14.0"
  205. tezos-client-009-PsFLoren >= "14.0"
  206. tezos-client-010-PtGRANAD >= "14.0"
  207. tezos-client-011-PtHangz2 >= "14.0"
  208. tezos-client-012-Psithaca >= "14.0"
  209. tezos-client-013-PtJakart >= "14.0"
  210. tezos-client-014-PtKathma
  211. tezos-client-015-PtLimaPt
  212. tezos-client-016-PtMumbai
  213. tezos-client-017-PtNairob
  214. tezos-client-alpha >= "14.0"
  215. tezos-client-base >= "14.0"
  216. tezos-client-base-unix >= "14.0"
  217. tezos-client-commands >= "14.0"
  218. tezos-event-logging >= "14.0"
  219. tezos-mockup-proxy >= "14.0"
  220. tezos-mockup-registration >= "14.0"
  221. tezos-node >= "14.0"
  222. tezos-proxy >= "14.0"
  223. tezos-proxy-server >= "14.0"
  224. tezos-proxy-server-config
  225. tezos-rpc >= "14.0"
  226. tezos-rpc-http >= "14.0"
  227. tezos-signer-backends >= "14.0"
  228. tezos-stdlib-unix >= "14.0"
  229. tezos-test-helpers >= "10.2"
  230. tezos-tx-rollup-client-013-PtJakart
  231. tezos-tx-rollup-client-014-PtKathma
  232. tezos-tx-rollup-client-alpha
  233. tezt-performance-regression
  234. tezt-tezos
  235. trakeva >= "0.1.0"
  236. uri-bench
  237. uri-re >= "4.4.0"
  238. uri-sexp >= "4.4.0"
  239. validate
  240. vhd-tool
  241. virtual_dom >= "v0.16.0"
  242. wamp >= "1.1"
  243. wtr
  244. wtr-ppx
  245. xapi-idl
  246. xe
  247. xen-api-client
  248. xentropyd




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