Calculate Geodistance Between Two Points using the Standard Library
Mathematics / Geographical Calculations / Calculate Geodistance Between Two Points
No packages used
This recipe uses only the OCaml Standard Library.Code
The Earth surface can be approximated by a 6371 km sphere. The following example computes the distance in kilometers between two points on the Earth with the Haversine formula.
let deg2rad angle =
angle /. 180. *. Float.pi
let sqr a = a *. a
let haversine_distance lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 =
let r = 6371. in
let dLat = deg2rad(lat2-.lat1) in
let dLon = deg2rad(lon2-.lon1) in
let a =
sqr (sin(dLat/.2.))
+. cos(deg2rad lat1)
*. cos(deg2rad lat2)
*. sqr (sin(dLon/.2.))
let c = 2. *. atan2 (sqrt a) (sqrt(1.-.a)) in
r *. c
let deg d m s =
float_of_int d
+. float_of_int m/.60.
+. float_of_int s/.3600.
let lat_paris = deg 48 51 24
let long_paris = deg 2 21 07
let lat_marseille = deg 43 17 47
let long_marseille = deg 5 22 12
let d = haversine_distance
lat_paris long_paris
lat_marseille long_marseille
let () = Printf.printf "%f km\n" d