Create a ZIP Archive Containing Multiple Files using camlzip


Compression / Create a ZIP Archive Containing Multiple Files

Opam Packages Used

  • camlzip Tested with version: 1.11 — Used libraries: camlzip


The Zip module doesn't provide a function that works on a directory.

Thus, we write a helper-function to traverse the file-system. Here the given function f is called for each regular file with its name as a parameter.

let rec traverse_fs f directory =
  if Sys.is_directory directory then
    Sys.readdir directory
    |> Array.iter
         (fun entry ->
              f (directory ^ "/" ^ entry))
    f directory

First, we open the ZIP file for writing.

let zip zip_filename directory_name =
  let zip_file = Zip.open_out zip_filename in

Then, we use Zip.copy_file_to_entry to add every file in the directory to the ZIP file.

    (fun name ->
      Zip.copy_file_to_entry name zip_file name)

To finalize the archive, we close the ZIP file.

  Zip.close_out zip_file

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