Timeout Reading From Stdin With Promises using async
Concurrency & Parallelism / Single-Threaded Concurrency / Timeout Reading From Stdin With Promises
Prompt the user to input some text on stdin - if the user does not finish before the timeout, abort.
Opam Packages Used
- async Tested with version: 0.17.0 — Used libraries: async
is Jane Street's concurrent programming library, similar to Lwt
but with
different design choices and better integration with Core
'a Deferred.t
is Async's equivalent to Lwt's promises - it represents a value
that will be available in the future.
open Async
let (let*) = Async.(>>=)
Attempts to read a line from standard input.
returns `Ok string when successful, or
`Eof when end-of-file is reached.
Note: Core.Lazy.force
is needed because stdin is initialized lazily
to allow for customization before first use.
let read_name () : string option Deferred.t =
let* s =
Reader.read_line (Core.Lazy.force Reader.stdin)
match s with
| `Eof -> Deferred.return (Some "")
| `Ok str -> Deferred.return (Some str)
creates a deferred that completes after specified duration
(in this case, 6 seconds).
let timeout () : string option Deferred.t =
let* () = after (Core.sec 6.0) in
Deferred.return None
We create two concurrent operations: reading input and timeout, then use
to race them against each other, and handle
the result with Async.upon
(similar to .then in JavaScript promises).
let () =
print_endline "Enter your name (don't take too long)";
let race =
Deferred.any [ read_name (); timeout () ]
upon race (fun r ->
(match r with
| Some n -> Async_unix.Print.printf "Hello %s\n" n
| None -> Async_unix.Print.print_endline "Too slow!");
The explicit Async.exit
is needed because the Async event-loop
) never returns.
ignore (Async.exit 0));
Core.never_returns (Scheduler.go ())
Async is
part of Jane Street's set of libraries and depends on Base
and Core
If you are already using Core
you may well prefer Async
over Lwt
for its better "fit".
Note: this example could be improved by adding error handling and/or handling of properly closing stdin in case of timeout.