TCP Server using lwt


Networking / TCP Server

TCP server that responds to every incoming message by sending the received message back to the client. The TCP client recipe provides a matching client.

Opam Packages Used

  • lwt Tested with version: 5.9.0 — Used libraries: lwt, lwt.unix


let ( let* ) = Lwt.bind

Handles communication with a connected client by echoing received lines back.

let handle_client (input, output) =
  let rec echo_loop () =
    let* line_opt = Lwt_io.read_line_opt input in

Lwt_io.read_line_opt: Asynchronously reads a line from the input. Returns None if the client disconnects.

    match line_opt with
    | None -> Lwt_io.printl "Client disconnected"

Lwt_io.printl: Asynchronously prints a line to stdout. Lwt_io.write_line: Asynchronously writes a line to the output.

    | Some line ->
        let* () = Lwt_io.printl ("Received: " ^ line) in
        let* () = Lwt_io.write_line output line in
        echo_loop ()
  echo_loop ()

Accepts incoming client connections and starts handling them.

let rec accept_connections server_socket =
  let* (client_socket, _addr) =

Lwt_unix.accept: Asynchronously accepts a new connection on the server socket.

  Lwt_unix.accept server_socket in
  let input =
    Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.input client_socket in
  let output =
    Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.output client_socket in

Lwt.async: Schedules the handling of the client in a separate thread.

  Lwt.async (fun () -> handle_client (input, output));
  accept_connections server_socket

Initializes the server socket and starts accepting connections on the specified port.

let start_server port =
  let sockaddr =
    Unix.(ADDR_INET (inet_addr_any, port)) in
  let server_socket =
    Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in

    server_socket Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;

Lwt_unix.bind: Asynchronously binds the server socket to the specified address. Lwt_unix.listen: Prepares the socket to accept incoming connections.

  let* () = Lwt_unix.bind server_socket sockaddr in
  Lwt_unix.listen server_socket 10;
  let* () =
    Lwt_io.printlf "Server started on port %d" port
  accept_connections server_socket Runs the Lwt main loop, starting the server.

let () =
  let port = 12345 in (start_server port)

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