Sorting Lists and Arrays using the Standard Library


Data Structures & Algorithms / Sorting / Sorting Lists and Arrays

No packages used

This recipe uses only the OCaml Standard Library.


Sorting a list of int values, returning a sorted copy, and using the compare function.

Note: The compare function is polymorphic and works over all types.

let l = [ 1; 90; 42; 27 ]
let l' = List.sort compare a

Sorting an array while modifying it in place.

let a = [| 1; 90; 42; 27 |]
let () = Array.sort compare a

Defining a custom compare function (here a case insensitive string comparison) and using it to sort an array.

Note: The comparison function applied to a and b needs to return 1 if a is greater than b, 0 if they're equal, and -1 if a is less than b.

let compare_insensitive a b = 
    compare (String.lowercase_ascii a) (String.lowercase_ascii b)
let a = [| "ABC"; "BCD"; "abc"; "bcd" |]
let () = Array.sort compare_insensitive a

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