Encode and Decode Bytestrings From Hex-Strings using hex


Encoding / Encode and Decode Bytestrings From Hex-Strings

Opam Packages Used

  • hex Tested with version: 1.5.0 — Used libraries: hex
  • cstruct Tested with version: 6.2.0 — Used libraries: cstruct


decode_hex_string hex_string is the string represented by hex_string. Raises: Invalid_argument if hex_string is not valid hex.

let decode_hex_string hex_string =
  let byte_string = Hex.to_cstruct (`Hex hex_string) in
  let decoded_string = Cstruct.to_string byte_string in

encode_to_hex message accepts a string message and returns the hexadecimal representation of message.

let encode_to_hex message =
  let byte_string = Cstruct.of_string message in
  let hex_string = Hex.of_cstruct byte_string in
  Hex.show hex_string

let () =
  let hex_message = "48656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421" in
  Printf.printf "Hex message: %s\n" hex_message;
  let message = decode_hex_string hex_message in
  Printf.printf "Decoded message: %s\n" message;
  let encoded_message = encode_to_hex message in
  Printf.printf "Encoded message: %s\n" encoded_message

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