Match on Groups in Regular Expressions using the Standard Library


Text Processing / Regular Expressions / Match on Groups in Regular Expressions

Use Regexp to parse a YYYY-MM-DD date.

No packages used

This recipe uses only the OCaml Standard Library.


Define a regular expression pattern to match dates in YYYY-MM-DD format The {re|...|re} syntax lets us write the pattern without escaping slashes The \(...\) groups capture parts of the match we want to extract later:

  • First group: year (digits)
  • Second group: month (digits)
  • Third group: day (digits)
let regexp =
  Str.regexp {re|\([0-9]+\)-\([0-9]+\)-\([0-9]+\)|re}

Extract the matched groups (year, month, day) from the string After a successful Str.search_forward, we use Str.matched_group to get the individual values for the matching groups.

Note: matched_group 0 would return the entire matched string

let () =
  let str = "Date: 1971-01-23" in
  let _index = Str.search_forward regexp str 0 in
  let year = Str.matched_group 1 str
  and month = Str.matched_group 2 str
  and day = Str.matched_group 3 str in
  Printf.printf "year=%s, month=%s, day=%s\n" year month day


If you want to run this example in UTop, you need to run #require "str";; in order to load the Str module into UTop.

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