Timeout Reading From Stdin With Promises using lwt


Concurrency & Parallelism / Single-Threaded Concurrency / Timeout Reading From Stdin With Promises

Prompt the user to input some text on stdin - if the user does not finish before the timeout, abort.

Opam Packages Used

  • lwt Tested with version: 5.7.0 — Used libraries: lwt, lwt.unix


We use monadic binding (let*) to chain promises together in a readable way.

let (let*) = Lwt.bind

Attempt to read a line of input from stdin using Lwt_io.read_line.

  • We use Lwt.finalize to ensure cleanup (flushing stdin) happens regardless of success/failure
  • Lwt.catch handles any exceptions during reading
let read_name () =
    (fun () ->
        (fun () ->
          let* name = Lwt_io.(read_line stdin) in
          Lwt.return (Some name))
        (fun _ -> Lwt.return None))

Flush ensures no pending input is left in the buffer

    (fun () ->
      Lwt_io.flush Lwt_io.stdin)

We create a promise that resolves to None after waiting for the specified duration using Lwt_unix.sleep.

The Lwt_unix library provides the operating-system (not just "unix") and scheduling modules for Lwt.

let timeout ?(duration = 6.0) () =
  let* () = Lwt_unix.sleep duration in
  Lwt.return None

Lwt.pick starts both the read_name and timeout promises simultaneously, keeps the first promise to complete (user input or timeout), and automatically cancels the other promise.

All the promises given to a Lwt.pick need to have the same type, in this case string option Lwt.t.

let main () =
  print_endline "Enter your name (don't take too long)";
  let* result = Lwt.pick [ read_name (); timeout () ] in
  (match result with
  | Some name -> Printf.printf "Hello %s\n" name
  | None -> print_endline "Too slow!");

To run the event-loop we use a single Lwt_main.run which processes a single top-level promise.

let () = Lwt_main.run (main ())


ppx_let can be used to enable the syntax let%lwt instead of defining let* as a shorthand for `Lwt.bind. This makes it obvious on first glance which monad we're operating in.

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