Salt and Hash a Password With Argon2 using argon2
Cryptography / Salt and Hash a Password With Argon2
Opam Packages Used
- argon2 Tested with version: 1.0.2 — Used libraries: argon2
Configuration for password hashing based on OWASP recommendations and Argon2 default values. Note this example uses only the recommended "Argon2id" variation. References:
let t_cost = 2 and
m_cost = 65536 and
parallelism = 1 and
hash_len = 32 and
salt_len = 10
The hash output length.
let encoded_len =
Argon2.encoded_len ~t_cost ~m_cost ~parallelism ~salt_len ~hash_len ~kind:ID
Generate a salt string for a given length using only characters in the range "A-Z". This is a simplistic generator and should be replaced with cryptographically secure random number generator ("mirage-crypto", for example).
let gen_salt len =
let rand_char _ = 65 + ( 26) |> char_of_int in
String.init len rand_char
Return an encoded hash string for the given password. The encoded password contains the required metadata for future verification.
let hash_password passwd = Argon2.ID.encoded_to_string
~t_cost ~m_cost ~parallelism ~hash_len ~encoded_len
~pwd:passwd ~salt:(gen_salt salt_len))
Verifie if the encoded hash string matches the given password.
let verify encoded_hash pwd =
match Argon2.verify ~encoded:encoded_hash ~pwd ~kind:ID with
| Ok true_or_false -> true_or_false
| Error VERIFY_MISMATCH -> false
| Error e -> raise (Failure (Argon2.ErrorCodes.message e))
let () =
let hashed_pwd = Result.get_ok (hash_password "my insecure password") in
Printf.printf "Hashed password: %s\n" hashed_pwd;
let fst_attempt = "my secure password" in
Printf.printf "'%s' is correct? %B\n" fst_attempt (verify hashed_pwd fst_attempt);
let snd_attempt = "my insecure password" in
Printf.printf "'%s' is correct? %B\n" snd_attempt (verify hashed_pwd snd_attempt)