package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type kind =
  1. | Proposal

    protocols can be proposed

  2. | Exploration

    a proposal can be voted

  3. | Cooldown

    a delay before the second vote of the Promotion period.

  4. | Promotion

    activation can be voted

  5. | Adoption

    a delay before activation


The voting period kinds are ordered as follows: Proposal -> Exploration -> Cooldown -> Promotion -> Adoption. This order is the one used be the function succ below.

A voting period can be of several kinds and is uniquely identified by the counter 'index'. The 'start_position' represents the relative position of the first level of the period with respect to the first level of the Alpha family of protocols.

type t = voting_period

Information about a block with respect to the voting period it belongs to: the voting period, the position within the voting period and the number of remaining blocks till the end of the period. The following invariant is satisfied: `position + remaining + 1 = blocks_per_voting_period`

include Tezos_protocol_environment_015_PtLimaPt.Compare.S with type t := voting_period
val (=) : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val (<>) : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val (<) : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val (<=) : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val (>=) : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val (>) : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val compare : voting_period -> voting_period -> int
val equal : voting_period -> voting_period -> bool
val raw_reset : t -> start_position:Tezos_protocol_environment_015_PtLimaPt.Int32.t -> t

raw_reset period ~start_position increment the index by one and set the kind to Proposal which is the period kind that start the voting process. start_position is the level at wich this voting_period started.

val raw_succ : t -> start_position:Tezos_protocol_environment_015_PtLimaPt.Int32.t -> t

raw_succ period ~start_position increment the index by one and set the kind to its successor. start_position is the level at which this voting_period started.


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