package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type Tezos_protocol_environment_015_PtLimaPt.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Zk_rollup_does_not_exist of Zk_rollup_repr.t

    Emitted when trying to perform an operation over a ZK rollup that hasn't been initialised.

  2. | Zk_rollup_invalid_op_code of int

    Emitted when trying to add to the pending list and operation with an invalid op code.


These errors are only to be matched in tests.

originate context static ~init_state produces an address a for a ZK rollup storage using the origination_nonce from the context. This function also initializes the storage, indexing the initial ZKRU account by a.

Returns the new context and ZKRU address, alongside the size of the new account.

add_to_pending context rollup operations appends to the ZK rollup's pending list a list of L2 operations. Returns the new context alongside the size of the new operations.

May fail with:

  • Zk_rollup_invalid_op_code op_code if the op_code of one of the operations is greater or equal to the number of declared operations for this rollup.

assert_exist context rollup asserts that rollup has been initialized. Returns the new context.

May fail with:

  • Zk_rollup_does_not_exist if rollup is not found.

exists context rollup returns a boolean representing whether rollup has been initialized.


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