package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The purpose of this module is to provide the validate_operation function, that decides quickly whether an operation may safely be included in a block. See the function's description for further information.

This module also provide functions to check the validity of a block and the consistency of its block_header.

Most elements in this module are either used or wrapped in the Main module.

type info

Static information required to validate blocks and operations.

type operation_conflict_state

State used to register operations effects used to establish potential conflicts. This state is serializable which allows it to be exchanged with another source. See Mempool_validation

Encoding for the operation_conflict_state.

type block_state

State used to register global block validity dependent effects. This state is used and updated by the validate_operation function and will also be used during the finalize_block. For instance, it registers inter-operations checks (e.g. total gas used in the block so far).

type validation_state = {
  1. info : info;
  2. operation_state : operation_conflict_state;
  3. block_state : block_state;

Validation state

val get_initial_ctxt : validation_state -> Alpha_context.context

Return the context stored in the state. Note that this is the context at the beginning of the block / mempool: indeed, it is not modified by validate_operation.

Initialize the info and state for the partial validation of an existing block.

Note that the given context may be based on an ancestor block. Indeed, we may not have access to the predecessor context when trying to quickly assess a series of blocks in a cousin branch (multipass validation).

val begin_partial_construction : Alpha_context.context -> Tezos_protocol_environment_015_PtLimaPt.Chain_id.t -> predecessor_level:Alpha_context.Level.t -> predecessor_round:Alpha_context.Round.t -> grandparent_round:Alpha_context.Round.t -> validation_state

Initialize the info and state for the partial construction use mainly to implement the mempool.

Initialize the info and state without providing any predecessor information. This will cause any preendorsement or endorsement operation to fail, since we lack the information needed to validate it.

Check the validity of the given operation; return an updated state.

An operation is valid if it may be included in a block without causing the block's application to fail. The purpose of this function is to decide validity quickly, that is, without trying to actually apply the operation (ie. compute modifications to the context: see Apply.apply_operation) and see whether it causes an error.

An operation's validity may be checked in different situations: when we receive a block from a peer or we are constructing a fresh block, we validate each operation in the block right before trying to apply it; when a mempool receives an operation, it validates it to decide whether the operation should be propagated (note that for now, this only holds for manager operations, since validate_operation is not implemented yet for other operations: see below). See mode.

The info contains every information we need about the status of the chain to validate an operation, notably the context (of type Alpha_context.t) at the end of the previous block. This context is never updated by the validation of operations, since validation is separate from application. Yet sometimes, the presence of some previous operations in a block or a mempool may render the current operation invalid. E.g. the one-operation-per-manager-per-block restriction (1M) states that a block is invalid if it contains two separate operations from the same manager; therefore the validation of an operation will return Error Manager_restriction if another operation by the same manager has already been validated in the same block or mempool. In order to track this kind of operation incompatibilities, we use a state with minimal information that gets updated during validation.

For a manager operation, validity is solvability, ie. it must be well-formed, and we need to be able to take its fees. Indeed, this is sufficient for the safe inclusion of the operation in a block: even if there is an error during the subsequent application of the manager operation, this will cause the operation to have no further effects, but won't impact the success of the block's application. The solvability of a manager operation notably includes it being correctly signed: indeed, we can't take anything from a manager without having checked their signature.

For non-manager operations, any error during the operation application causes the whole block to fail. Therefore, the validation of such an operation must ensure that its application will fully succeed.

  • parameter check_signature

    indicates whether the signature check should happen. It defaults to true because the signature needs to be correct for the operation to be valid. This argument exists for special cases where it is acceptable to bypass this check, e.g.:

    • The mempool may keep track of operations whose signatures have already been checked: if such an operation needs to be validated again (typically when the head block changes), then the mempool may call validate_operation with check_signature:false.
    • The run_operation RPC provided by the plugin explicitly excludes signature checks: see its documentation in lib_plugin/RPC.Scripts.S.run_operation.

Check the operation validity, see validate_operation for more information

Note: Should only be called in mempool mode

Check that the operation does not conflict with other operations already validated and included in the operation_conflict_state

Note: Should only be called in mempool mode

Add the operation in the operation_conflict_state. The operation should be validated before being added

Note: Should only be called in mempool mode

Remove the operation from the operation_conflict_state.


  • the operation has been validated and added to operation_conflict_state;
  • this function is only valid for the mempool mode.

Check the consistency of the block_header information with the one computed (Endorsement power, payload hash, etc) while validating the block operations. Checks vary depending on the mode.


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