package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module draws random values for a cycle based on the Seed_repr.seed associated that cycle. These random values are:

  • delegates associated with slots
  • snapshot indexes. The selection of delegates is done by sampling from a particular distribution of the stake among the active delegates.

This module is responsible for maintaining the table Storage.Delegate_sampler_state.

Participation slots potentially associated to accounts. The accounts that didn't place a deposit will be excluded from this list. This function should only be used to compute the deposits to freeze or initialize the protocol while stitching. RPCs can use this function to predict an approximation of long term future slot allocations. It shouldn't be used in the baker.

compute_snapshot_index ctxt cycle max_snapshot_index Returns the index of the selected snapshot for the cycle passed as argument, and for the max index of snapshots taken so far, max_snapshot_index (see Stake_storage.max_snapshot_index.

module Migration_from_Kathmandu : sig ... end

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