package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type unparsing_mode =
  1. | Optimized
  2. | Readable
  3. | Optimized_legacy

Flag that drives unparsing of typed values to nodes.

  • Optimized_legacy must be kept backward-compatible in order to compute valid hashes (of big map keys).
  • Optimized may be used as long as the result can be read by Script_translator.parse_data.
  • Readable produces with string values instead of bytes when feasible.
type ('ty, 'depth) comb_witness =
  1. | Comb_Pair : ('t, 'd) comb_witness -> (_ * 't, unit -> 'd) comb_witness
  2. | Comb_Any : (_, _) comb_witness

('t, 'd) comb_witness describes types of values belonging to a comb of type 't and size 'd.

val serialize_ty_for_error : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.ty -> Alpha_context.Script.expr

serialize_ty_for_error ty returns the Micheline representation of ty suitable for rendering in an error message. Does not consume gas, since when this function is called, the operation must have already failed.

val serialize_stack_for_error : Alpha_context.context -> ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> Alpha_context.Script.expr list

serialize_stack_for_error ctxt stack_ty returns a Micheline representation of stack_ty as a list of Micheline expressions ONLY IF gas is unlimited in ctxt. Otherwise returns an empty list.

unparse_ty ~loc ctxt ty returns the Micheline representation of a given type and an update context, where gas has been properly consumed.

val unparse_comparable_ty_uncarbonated : loc:'loc -> 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'loc Alpha_context.Script.michelson_node

unparse_comparable_ty_uncarbonated ~loc ty returns the Michelson representation of comparable type ty without consuming gas.

val unparse_stack_uncarbonated : ('a, 's) Script_typed_ir.stack_ty -> Alpha_context.Script.expr list

unparse_stack_uncarbonated stack_ty returns the Micheline representation of stack_ty. Does not consume gas.

unparse_parameter_ty ~loc ctxt ty ~entrypoints is a specialised version of unparse_ty, which also analyses entrypoints in order to annotate the returned type with adequate annotations.

unparse_operation ~loc ctxt op returns the Micheline representation of op and consumes gas from ctxt. Useful only for producing execution traces in the interpreter.

unparse_comparable_data ctxt unparsing_mode ty v returns the Micheline representation of v of type ty, consuming gas from ctxt.

unparse_contract ~loc ctxt unparsin_mode contract returns a Micheline representation of a given contract in a given unparsing_mode. Consumes gas ctxt.

module type MICHELSON_PARSER = sig ... end

MICHESLON_PARSER signature describes a set of dependencies required to unparse arbitrary values in the IR. Because some of those values contain just a Michelson code that does not need to be parsed immediately, unparsing them requires extracting information from that code – that's why we depend on the parser here.

module Data_unparser (P : MICHELSON_PARSER) : sig ... end

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