package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module defines the typechecking context used during the translation from Michelson untyped nodes to typed nodes (Script_ir_translator). The context keeps track of the origin of the code (top-level from a contract, in a view, etc.), plus some information to allow or forbid instructions given the context (no `SELF` in a lambda for example).

type in_lambda = bool

Lambdas are a bit special when considering stateful instructions such as TRANSFER_TOKENS. For instance, a view containing a TRANSFER_TOKENS is not OK, because calling the view would transfer tokens from the view's owner. However, a view returning a lambda containing a TRANSFER_TOKENS could be considered OK, as the decision whether to execute it or not falls on the view's caller, whose tokens would be transfered. This type is used to keep track of whether we are inside a lambda: it is true when inside a lambda, and false otherwise.

type callsite =
  1. | Toplevel : {
    1. storage_type : ('sto, _) Script_typed_ir.ty;
    2. param_type : ('param, _) Script_typed_ir.ty;
    3. entrypoints : 'param Script_typed_ir.entrypoints;
    } -> callsite
  2. | View : callsite
  3. | Data : callsite

The calling context when parsing Michelson code: either a top-level contract code, the code of a view, or code in data (when pushing a block of instructions for example).

type t = {
  1. callsite : callsite;
  2. in_lambda : in_lambda;
val init : callsite -> t
val toplevel : storage_type:('sto, _) Script_typed_ir.ty -> param_type:('param, _) Script_typed_ir.ty -> entrypoints:'param Script_typed_ir.entrypoints -> t
val view : t
val data : t

This value can be used outside the translation module as a simple context when testing code, for example.

val add_lambda : t -> t
val is_in_lambda : t -> bool

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