package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

An entrypoint is a non-empty string of at most 31 characters

val compare : t -> t -> int

Total ordering of entrypoints

val (=) : t -> t -> bool

Equality of entrypoints

val default : t

Default entrypoint "default"

val is_default : t -> bool

Checks whether an entrypoint is the default entrypoint

val root : t

Root entrypoint "root"

val is_root : t -> bool

Checks whether an entrypoint is the root entrypoint

val do_ : t

Entrypoint "do"

val set_delegate : t

Entrypoint "set_delegate"

val remove_delegate : t

Entrypoint "remove_delegate"

val deposit : t

Deposit entrypoint "deposit"

val is_deposit : t -> bool

Checks whether an entrypoint is the deposit entrypoint

Converts an annot to an entrypoint. Returns an error if the string is too long or is "default".

Converts a string to an entrypoint. Returns an error if the string is too long or is "default". Converts "" to "default".

val of_string_strict_exn : string -> t

Converts a string to an entrypoint. Fails with Invalid_arg if the string is too long or is "default". Converts "" to "default".

Converts an annot to an entrypoint. Returns an error if the string is too long. Accepts "default".

val of_annot_lax_opt : Non_empty_string.t -> t option

Converts an annot to an entrypoint. Returns None if the string is too long. Accepts "default".

Converts a string to an entrypoint. Returns an error if the string is too long. Accepts "default" and converts "" to "default".

val to_non_empty_string : t -> Non_empty_string.t

Converts an entrypoint to a non-empty string. "default" is kept as is.

val to_string : t -> string

Converts an entrypoint to a string. "default" is kept as is.

val to_address_suffix : t -> string

Converts an entrypoint to a string used as an address suffix. For the default entrypoint, the result is the empty string. Otherwise it is "%" followed by the entrypoint.

val unparse_as_field_annot : t -> string

Converts an entrypoint to a string used as a field annotation of a parameter union type. It is "%" followed by the entrypoint. The default entrypoint is converted to "%default".

Pretty-print an entrypoint

An encoding of entrypoints reusing the lax semantics. Decoding fails if the string is too long. "" is decoded into "default". "default" is encoded into "default".

An encoding of entrypoints reusing the strict semantics. Decoding fails if the string is too long or is "default". "" is decoded into "default". "default" is encoded into "".

An optimized encoding of entrypoints, used for operations.

Entrypoint RPC arg.

In-memory size of an entrypoint

Set of entrypoints

Map of entrypoints


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