package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type !'o t = [
  1. | `Conflict of Error_monad.error list option
  2. | `Created of string option
  3. | `Error of Error_monad.error list option
  4. | `Forbidden of Error_monad.error list option
  5. | `No_content
  6. | `Not_found of Error_monad.error list option
  7. | `Ok of 'o
  8. | `OkChunk of 'o
  9. | `OkStream of 'o stream
  10. | `Unauthorized of Error_monad.error list option
and !'a stream = {
  1. next : unit -> 'a option Lwt.t;
  2. shutdown : unit -> unit;
val return : 'o -> 'o t Lwt.t
val return_chunked : 'o -> 'o t Lwt.t
val return_stream : 'o stream -> 'o t Lwt.t
val not_found : 'o t Lwt.t
val fail : Error_monad.error list -> 'a t Lwt.t

Innovation. Community. Security.