Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Calling a prover using Why3.
val log_why3 : 'a Lplib.Base.outfmt -> 'a
contains the name of the current prover. Note that it can be changed by using the "set prover <string>" command.
is the current time limit (in seconds) for a Why3 prover to find a proof. It can be changed with "set prover <int>".
is the Why3 configuration read from the configuration file ("~/.why3.conf"
usually). For more information, visit the Why3 documentation at http://why3.lri.fr/api/Whyconf.html.
type config = {
symb_P : Core.Term.sym;
Encoding of propositions.
*)symb_T : Core.Term.sym;
Encoding of types.
*)symb_or : Core.Term.sym;
Disjunction(∨) symbol.
*)symb_and : Core.Term.sym;
Conjunction(∧) symbol.
*)symb_imp : Core.Term.sym;
Implication(⇒) symbol.
*)symb_bot : Core.Term.sym;
Bot(⊥) symbol.
*)symb_top : Core.Term.sym;
Top(⊤) symbol.
*)symb_not : Core.Term.sym;
Not(¬) symbol.
Builtin configuration for propositional logic.
val get_config : Core.Sig_state.t -> Common.Pos.popt -> config
get_config ss pos
build the configuration using ss
type cnst_table = (Core.Term.term * Why3.Term.lsymbol) list
A map from lambdapi terms to Why3 constants.
val translate_term :
config ->
cnst_table ->
Core.Term.term ->
(cnst_table * Why3.Term.term) option
translate_term cfg tbl t
translates the given lambdapi term t
into the correspondig Why3 term, using the configuration cfg
and constants in the association list tbl
val encode :
Core.Sig_state.t ->
Common.Pos.popt ->
Core.Env.env ->
Core.Term.term ->
encode ss pos hs g
translates the hypotheses hs
and the goal g
into Why3 terms, to construct a Why3 task.
val run_task : Why3.Task.task -> Common.Pos.popt -> string -> bool
run_task tsk pos prover_name
Run the task tsk
with the specified prover named prover_name
and return the answer of the prover.
val handle :
Core.Sig_state.t ->
Common.Pos.popt ->
string option ->
Proof.goal_typ ->
handle ss pos ps prover_name g
runs the Why3 prover corresponding to the name prover_name
(if given or a default one otherwise) on the goal g
. If the prover succeeded to prove the goal, then this is reflected by a new axiom that is added to signature ss