package lambdapi
Scoping environment for variables.
Type of an environment, used in scoping to associate names to corresponding Bindlib variables and types. Note that it cannot be implemented by a map as the order is important. The structure is similar to then one of Term.ctxt
, a tuple (x,a,t)
is a variable x
, its type a
and possibly its definition t
type t = env
val empty : env
is the empty environment.
add v a t env
extends the environment env
by mapping the string Bindlib.name_of v
to (v,a,t)
find n env
returns the Bindlib variable associated to the variable name n
in the environment env
. If none is found, Not_found
is raised.
val mem : string -> env -> bool
mem n env
returns true
iff n
is mapped to a variable in env
to_prod env t
builds a sequence of products / let-bindings whose domains are the variables of the environment env
(from left to right), and whose body is the term t
. By calling to_prod [(xn,an,None);⋯;(x1,a1,None)] t
you obtain a term of the form Πx1:a1,..,Πxn:an,t
to_abst env t
builds a sequence of abstractions or let bindings, depending on the definition of the elements in the environment whose domains are the variables of the environment env
(from left to right), and which body is the term t
: to_abst [(xn,an,None);..;(x1,a1,None)] t = λx1:a1,..,λxn:an,t
vars env
extracts the array of the not defined Bindlib variables in env
. Note that the order is reversed: vars [(xn,an);..;(x1,a1)] =
to_tbox env
extracts the array of the not defined variables in env
and injects them in the tbox
type. This is the same as _Vari
(vars env)
. Note that the order is reversed: to_tbox [(xn,an);..;(x1,a1)]
= [|x1;..;xn|]
val match_prod :
Term.ctxt ->
Term.term ->
(Term.term -> Term.tbinder -> 'a) ->
match_prod c t f
returns f a b
if t
matches Prod(a,b)
possibly after reduction.
of_prod c s t
returns a tuple (env,b)
where b
is constructed from the term t
by unbinding as much dependent products as possible in the head of t
. The free variables created by this process, prefixed by s
, are given (with their types) in the environment env
(in reverse order). For instance, if t
is of the form Πx1:a1, ⋯, Πxn:an, b
, then the function returns b
and the environment (xn,an); ⋯;(x1,a1)
of_prod_nth c n t
returns a tuple (env,b)
where b
is constructed from the term t
by unbinding n
dependent products. The free variables created by this process are given (with their types) in the environment env
(in reverse order). For instance, if t
is of the form Πx1:a1, ⋯,
Πxn:an, b
then the function returns b
and the environment (xn,an);
. n
must be non-negative.
of_prod_using c xs t
is similar to of_prod s c n t
where n =
Array.length xs
except that it replaces unbound variables by those of xs
val fresh_meta_type : Term.problem -> t -> Term.tbox
fresh_meta_type p env
creates a fresh metavariable of type Type
in environment env
, and adds it to the metas of p
val fresh_meta_tbox : Term.problem -> t -> Term.tbox
fresh_meta_tbox p env
creates a _Meta tbox from a fresh metavariable whose type is itself a fresh metavariable of type fresh_meta_type env
, and add them to the metas of p
val fresh_meta_term : Term.problem -> env -> Term.term
fresh_meta_term p env
creates a Meta term from a fresh metavariable whose type is a fresh metavariable of type to_prod env Type
, and adds it to the metas of p
val app_fresh_meta_terms : Term.problem -> Term.term -> int -> env -> Term.term
app_fresh_metas p t n env
returns the application of t
to n
fresh meta terms, and adds them to p