package lambdapi
Parser-level abstract syntax.
type p_ident = Common.Pos.strloc
Representation of a (located) identifier.
val check_notin : string -> p_ident option list -> unit
notin id idopts
checks that id
does not occur in idopts
val check_distinct : p_ident option list -> unit
are_distinct idopts
checks that the elements of idopts
of the form Some _
are pairwise distinct.
type p_meta_ident = meta_ident Common.Pos.loc
type p_path = Common.Path.t Common.Pos.loc
Representation of a module name.
type p_qident = Core.Term.qident Common.Pos.loc
Representation of a possibly qualified (and located) identifier.
type p_term = p_term_aux Common.Pos.loc
Parser-level (located) term representation.
and p_term_aux =
| P_Type
(*TYPE constant.
*)| P_Iden of p_qident * bool
(*Identifier. The boolean indicates whether the identifier is prefixed by "@".
*)| P_Wild
*)| P_Meta of p_meta_ident * p_term array option
(*Meta-variable application.
*)| P_Patt of p_ident option * p_term array option
*)| P_Appl of p_term * p_term
*)| P_Arro of p_term * p_term
*)| P_Abst of p_params list * p_term
*)| P_Prod of p_params list * p_term
*)| P_LLet of p_ident * p_params list * p_term option * p_term * p_term
*)| P_NLit of int
(*Natural number literal.
*)| P_Wrap of p_term
(*Term between parentheses.
*)| P_Expl of p_term
(*Term between curly brackets.
Parser-level representation of a function argument. The boolean is true if the argument is marked as implicit (i.e., between curly braces).
val nb_params : p_params list -> int
nb_params ps
returns the number of parameters in a list of parameters ps
val get_impl_params_list : p_params list -> bool list
get_impl_params_list l
gives the implicitness of l
val get_impl_term : p_term -> bool list
get_impl_term t
gives the implicitness of t
val get_impl_term_aux : p_term_aux -> bool list
p_get_args t
is like Core.Term.get_args
but on syntax-level terms.
type p_rule = p_rule_aux Common.Pos.loc
Parser-level inductive type representation.
type p_inductive = p_inductive_aux Common.Pos.loc
module P : sig ... end
Module to create p_term's with no positions.
Rewrite patterns as in Coq/SSReflect. See "A Small Scale Reflection Extension for the Coq system", by Georges Gonthier, Assia Mahboubi and Enrico Tassi, INRIA Research Report 6455, 2016,
type p_rw_patt = (p_term, p_ident * p_term) rw_patt Common.Pos.loc
type p_query_aux =
| P_query_verbose of int
(*Sets the verbosity level.
*)| P_query_debug of bool * string
(*Toggles logging functions described by string according to boolean.
*)| P_query_flag of string * bool
(*Sets the boolean flag registered under the given name (if any).
*)| P_query_assert of bool * p_assertion
(*Assertion (must fail if boolean is
).| P_query_infer of p_term * Core.Eval.strat
(*Type inference command.
*)| P_query_normalize of p_term * Core.Eval.strat
(*Normalisation command.
*)| P_query_prover of string
(*Set the prover to use inside a proof.
*)| P_query_prover_timeout of int
(*Set the timeout of the prover (in seconds).
*)| P_query_print of p_qident option
(*Print information about a symbol or the current goals.
*)| P_query_proofterm
(*Print the current proof term (possibly containing open goals).
Parser-level representation of a query command.
type p_query = p_query_aux Common.Pos.loc
type p_tactic_aux =
| P_tac_admit
| P_tac_apply of p_term
| P_tac_assume of p_ident option list
| P_tac_fail
| P_tac_generalize of p_ident
| P_tac_have of p_ident * p_term
| P_tac_induction
| P_tac_query of p_query
| P_tac_refine of p_term
| P_tac_refl
| P_tac_rewrite of bool * p_rw_patt option * p_term
| P_tac_simpl of p_qident option
| P_tac_solve
| P_tac_sym
| P_tac_why3 of string option
Parser-level representation of a tactic.
type p_tactic = p_tactic_aux Common.Pos.loc
val is_destructive : p_tactic_aux Common.Pos.loc -> bool
is_destructive t
says whether tactic t
changes the current goal.
type p_subproof = p_proofstep list
Parser-level representation of a proof.
type p_proof = p_subproof list
type p_proof_end = p_proof_end_aux Common.Pos.loc
type p_modifier_aux =
| P_mstrat of Core.Term.match_strat
(*pattern matching strategy
*)| P_expo of Core.Term.expo
(*visibility of symbol outside its modules
*)| P_prop of Core.Term.prop
(*symbol properties: constant, definable, ...
*)| P_opaq
Parser-level representation of modifiers.
type p_modifier = p_modifier_aux Common.Pos.loc
val is_prop : p_modifier_aux Common.Pos.loc -> bool
val is_opaq : p_modifier_aux Common.Pos.loc -> bool
val is_expo : p_modifier_aux Common.Pos.loc -> bool
val is_mstrat : p_modifier_aux Common.Pos.loc -> bool
type p_symbol = {
p_sym_mod : p_modifier list;
*)p_sym_nam : p_ident;
(*symbol name
*)p_sym_arg : p_params list;
(*arguments before ":"
*)p_sym_typ : p_term option;
(*symbol type
*)p_sym_trm : p_term option;
(*symbol definition
*)p_sym_prf : (p_proof * p_proof_end) option;
(*proof script
*)p_sym_def : bool;
(*is it a definition ?
Parser-level representation of symbol declarations.
type p_command_aux =
| P_require of bool * p_path list
| P_require_as of p_path * p_ident
| P_open of p_path list
| P_symbol of p_symbol
| P_rules of p_rule list
| P_inductive of p_modifier list * p_params list * p_inductive list
| P_builtin of string * p_qident
| P_notation of p_qident * Core.Sign.notation
| P_unif_rule of p_rule
| P_query of p_query
Parser-level representation of a single command.
type p_command = p_command_aux Common.Pos.loc
Parser-level representation of a single (located) command.
type ast = p_command Stream.t
Top level AST returned by the parser.
Equality functions on the syntactic expressions ignoring positions.
val eq_p_ident : p_ident Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_meta_ident : p_meta_ident Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_qident : p_qident Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_path : p_path Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_term : p_term Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_params : p_params Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_rule : p_rule Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_inductive : p_inductive Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_rw_patt : p_rw_patt Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_assertion : p_assertion Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_query : p_query Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_tactic : p_tactic Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_subproof : p_subproof Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_proofstep : p_proofstep Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_proof : p_proof Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_sym_prf : (p_proof * p_proof_end) Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_symbol : p_symbol Lplib.Base.eq
val eq_p_command : p_command Lplib.Base.eq
eq_command c1 c2
tells whether c1
and c2
are the same commands. They are compared up to source code positions.
fold_proof f acc p
recursively builds a value of type 'a
by starting from acc
and by applying f
to every tactic of p
fold_idents f a ast
allows to recursively build a value of type 'a
starting from a
and by applying f
on each identifier occurring in ast
corresponding to a function symbol: variables (term variables or assumption names) are excluded.
NOTE: This function is incomplete if an assumption name hides a function symbol. Example:
symbol A:TYPE; symbol a:A; symbol p:((A->A)->A->A)->A := begin assume h apply h // proof of A->A assume a apply a // here a is an assumption // proof of A apply a // here a is a function symbol end;