package lambdapi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Typing context.

unbind ctx a def b returns a triple (x,t,new_ctx) such that (x,t) is an unbinding of b (in the sense of Bindlib.unbind) and new_ctx is an extension of the context ctx with the declaration that x has type a (only if x occurs in t). If def is of the form Some(u), the context also registers the term u as the definition of variable x.

val type_of : Term.tvar -> Term.ctxt -> Term.term

type_of x ctx returns the type of x in the context ctx when it appears in it, and

  • raises [Not_found]


val def_of : Term.tvar -> Term.ctxt -> Term.ctxt * Term.term option

def_of x ctx returns the definition of x in the context ctx if it appears, and None otherwise

val mem : Term.tvar -> Term.ctxt -> bool

mem x ctx tells whether variable x is mapped in the context ctx.

val to_prod : Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.term * int

to_prod ctx t builds a product by abstracting over the context ctx, in the term t. It returns the number of products as well.

val to_abst : Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.term

to_abst ctx t builds a sequence of abstractions over the context ctx, in the term t.

val to_let : Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.term

to_let ctx t adds the defined variables of ctx on top of t.

val sub : Term.ctxt -> Term.tvar array -> Term.ctxt

sub ctx vs returns the sub-context of ctx made of the variables of vs.

val unfold : Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.term

unfold ctx t behaves like Term.unfold unless term t is of the form Vari(x) with x defined in ctx. In this case, t is replaced by the definition of x in ctx. In particular, if no operation is carried out on t, we have unfold ctx t == t.

val get_args : Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.term * Term.term list

get_args ctx t decomposes term t as Term.get_args does, but any variable encountered is replaced by its definition in ctx (if it exists).

val to_map : Term.ctxt -> Term.term Core.Term.VarMap.t

to_map builds a map from a context.


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