package lambdapi
Source code position management. This module may be used to map sequences of characters in a source file to an abstract syntax tree.
type pos = {
fname : string option;
(*File name for the position.
*)start_line : int;
(*Line number of the starting point.
*)start_col : int;
(*Column number (utf8) of the starting point.
*)end_line : int;
(*Line number of the ending point.
*)end_col : int;
(*Column number (utf8) of the ending point.
Type of a position, corresponding to a continuous range of characters in a (utf8-encoded) source.
type popt = pos option
Convenient short name for an optional position.
type 'a loc = {
elt : 'a;
(*The element that is being localised.
*)pos : popt;
(*Position of the element in the source code.
Type constructor extending a type (e.g. a piece of abstract syntax) with a a source code position.
type strloc = string loc
Localised string type (widely used).
val none : 'a -> 'a loc
none elt
wraps elt
in a 'a loc
structure without any specific source code position.
val to_string : ?print_fname:bool -> pos -> string
to_string ?print_fname pos
transforms pos
into a readable string. If print_fname
is true
(the default), the filename contained in pos
is printed.
val pp : popt Lplib.Base.pp
pp ppf pos
prints the optional position pos
on ppf
val pp_short : popt Lplib.Base.pp
pp_short ppf pos
prints the optional position pos
on ppf
map f loc
applies function f
on the value of loc
and keeps the position unchanged.
val locate :
?fname:string ->
(Stdlib.Lexing.position * Stdlib.Lexing.position) ->
locate ?fname loc
converts the pair of position loc
and filename fname
of the Lexing library into a pos
val make_pos :
(Stdlib.Lexing.position * Stdlib.Lexing.position) ->
'a ->
'a loc
make_pos lps elt
creates a located element from the lexing positions lps
and the element elt