package lambdapi
Pretty-printing for the core AST.
The functions of this module are used for printing terms and other objects defined in the Term
module. This is mainly used for displaying log messages, and feedback in case of success or error while type-checking terms or testing convertibility.
val log_prnt : 'a Lplib.Base.outfmt -> 'a
val sig_state : Sig_state.sig_state Timed.ref
Current signature state.
val notation_of : Term.sym -> Sign.notation option
notation_of s
returns the notation of symbol s
or None
Flag for printing the type of uninstanciated metavariables. Remark: this does not generate parsable terms; use for debug only.
Flag for printing the arguments of metavariables. Remark: this does not generate parsable terms; use for debug only.
val pp_assoc : Pratter.associativity Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_notation : Sign.notation Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_path : Common.Path.t Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_prop : Term.prop Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_expo : Term.expo Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_match_strat : Term.match_strat Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_sym : Term.sym Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_var : 'a Bindlib.var Lplib.Base.pp
val nat_of_term : Term.term -> int
nat_of_term t
converts a term into a natural number.
val are_quant_args : Term.term list -> bool
are_quant_args args
returns true
iff args
has only one argument that is an abstraction.
val pp_meta_name : Term.meta Lplib.Base.pp
The possible priority levels are `Func
(top level, including abstraction and product), `Appl
(application) and `Atom
(smallest priority).
val pp_meta : Term.meta Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_type : Term.term Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_term : Term.term Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_prod : (Term.term * bool list) Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_rule : (Term.sym * Term.rule) Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_unif_rule : (Term.sym * Term.rule) Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_ctxt : Term.ctxt Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_typing : Term.constr Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_constr : Term.constr Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_constrs : Term.constr list Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_metaset : Core.Term.MetaSet.t Lplib.Base.pp
val pp_problem : Term.problem Lplib.Base.pp