package lambdapi
Call to external checkers.
This module provides a high-level primitive to run an external checker, by calling a Unix command. This is used, for instance, to run a confluence or termination checker.
val log_xtrn : 'a Lplib.Base.outfmt -> 'a
val run :
string ->
Core.Sign.t Lplib.Base.pp ->
string ->
Core.Sign.t ->
bool option
run prop pp cmd sign
runs the external checker given by the Unix command cmd
on the signature sign
. The signature is processed and written to a Unix pipe using the formatter pp
, and the produced output is fed to the command on its standard output. The return value is Some true
in case of a successful check, Some false
in the case of a failed check, and None
if the external tool cannot conclude. Note that the command cmd
should write either "YES"
, "NO"
or "MAYBE"
as its first line of (standard) output. The exception Fatal
may be raised if cmd
exhibits a different behavior. The name prop
is used to refer to the checked property when an error message is displayed.
NOTE that for any given property being checked, the simplest possible valid command is "echo MAYBE"
. Moreover, "cat > file; echo MAYBE"
can conveniently be used to write generated data to the file "file"
. This is useful for debugging purposes.