package stringext
Extra string functions for OCaml
Dune Dependency
Extra string functions for OCaml. Mainly splitting. All functions are in the Stringext module.
Published: 03 Jun 2019
Stringext -- Extra string functions fo OCaml
Extra string functions for OCaml. Mainly splitting. All functions are in the Stringext
module. Here's a snippet of most useful functions out of the mli:
Api Documentation
(** string_after [s] [n] returns the substring of [s] that is after
character [n] *)
val string_after : string -> int -> string
(** equivalent to [Str.quote] *)
val quote : string -> string
(** split [?max] [s] [~on] splits [s] on every [on] occurence upto
[max] number of items if [max] is specified. [max] is assumed to
be a small number if specified. To not cause stack overflows *)
val split : ?max:int -> string -> on:char -> string list
(** full_split [s] [~on] will split [s] on every occurence
of [on] but will add the separators between the tokens. Maintains
the invariant:
String.concat (full_split s ~on) =s *)
val full_split : string -> on:char -> string list
(** Trims spaces on the left of the string. In case no trimming is needed
the same string is returned without copying *)
val trim_left : string -> string
(** split_strim_left [s] [~on] [~trim] splits [s] on every character
in [on]. Characters in [trim] are trimmed from the left of every
result element *)
val split_trim_left : string -> on:string -> trim:string -> string list
val of_char : char -> string
val of_list : char list -> string
val to_list : string -> char list
val to_array : string -> char array
val of_array : char array -> string
val find_from : ?start:int -> string -> pattern:string -> int option
val replace_all : string -> pattern:string -> with_:string -> string
val replace_all_assoc : string -> (string * string) list -> string
val cut : string -> on:string -> (string * string) option
(** [String.cut on s] is either the pair [Some (l,r)] of the two
(possibly empty) substrings of [s] that are delimited by the first
match of the non empty onarator string [on] or [None] if [on]
can't be matched in [s]. Matching starts from the beginning of [s].
The invariant [l ^ on ^ r = s] holds.
@raise Invalid_argument if [on] is the empty string. *)
val rcut : string -> on:string -> (string * string) option
(** [String.rcut on s] is like {!cut} but the matching is done backwards
starting from the end of [s].
@raise Invalid_argument if [on] is the empty string. *)
val chop_prefix : string -> prefix:string -> string option
val drop : string -> int -> string
val take : string -> int -> string
(** [trim_left_sub s ~pos ~len ~chars] Trim all characters inside [chars]
from [s] starting from [pos] and up to [len] *)
val trim_left_sub : string -> pos:int -> len:int -> chars:string -> string
Used by (23)
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- MlFront_Cli
< "2.0.0"
- multipart-form-data
< "0.18.0"
>= ""
< "2.6.0"
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- vpnkit
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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