package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t =
  1. | ToString

    Convert to string.

  2. | OfString

    Convert from string.

  3. | ToBool

    Convert to boolean.

  4. | OfBool

    Convert from boolean.

  5. | Reinterpret_int

    Reinterpret as integer.

  6. | Reinterpret_float

    Reinterpret as float.

  7. | DemoteF64

    Demote 64-bit float to 32-bit.

  8. | PromoteF32

    Promote 32-bit float to 64-bit.

  9. | ConvertSI32

    Convert signed to 32-bit integer.

  10. | ConvertUI32

    Convert unsigned to 32-bit integer.

  11. | ConvertSI64

    Convert signed to 64-bit integer.

  12. | ConvertUI64

    Convert unsigned to 64-bit integer.

  13. | TruncSF32

    Truncate signed 32-bit float.

  14. | TruncUF32

    Truncate unsigned 32-bit float.

  15. | TruncSF64

    Truncate signed 64-bit float.

  16. | TruncUF64

    Truncate unsigned 64-bit float.

  17. | WrapI64

    Wrap 64-bit integer.

  18. | Sign_extend of int

    Sign-extend to a specified bit width.

  19. | Zero_extend of int

    Zero-extend to a specified bit width.

  20. | String_to_code

    Convert string to Unicode code point. (str.to_code String Int)

  21. | String_from_code

    Convert Unicode code point to string. (str.to_int String Int)

  22. | String_to_int

    Convert string to integer. (str.from_int Int String)

  23. | String_from_int

    Convert integer to string.

  24. | String_to_float

    Convert string to float.

  25. | String_to_re

    Convert string to regular expression.


The type t represents conversion operations.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal op1 op2 checks if conversion operations op1 and op2 are equal.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp fmt op pretty-prints the conversion operation op using the formatter fmt.


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