package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

SMT-LIB Commands Representation. This module defines types and utilities for representing SMT-LIB commands, which are used to interact with SMT solvers. It includes commands for assertions, declarations, solver control, and metadata management.

Command Types

type t =
  1. | Assert of Expr.t

    Assert expr adds an assertion expr to the current set of constraints.

  2. | Check_sat of Expr.t list

    Check_sat assumptions checks the satisfiability of the current set of constraints, optionally using additional assumptions.

  3. | Declare_const of {
    1. id : Symbol.t;

      The identifier of the constant.

    2. sort : Symbol.t;

      The sort (type) of the declared constant.


    Declare_const { id; sort } declares a new constant id of type sort.

  4. | Echo of string

    Echo msg prints the given message msg to the standard output.

  5. | Exit

    Exit terminates the SMT solver session.

  6. | Get_assertions

    Get_assertions retrieves the current set of asserted formulas.

  7. | Get_assignment

    Get_assignment retrieves the current truth assignments for Boolean variables.

  8. | Get_info of string

    Get_info key retrieves metadata or configuration information associated with key.

  9. | Get_option of string

    Get_option key retrieves the value of the solver option identified by key.

  10. | Get_model

    Get_model requests a model for the current set of constraints if the problem is satisfiable.

  11. | Get_value of Expr.t list

    Get_value exprs retrieves the values of the given expressions exprs in the current model.

  12. | Pop of int

    Pop n removes the top n levels from the assertion stack.

  13. | Push of int

    Push n creates n new levels on the assertion stack.

  14. | Reset

    Reset clears all assertions and resets the solver state.

  15. | Reset_assertions

    Reset_assertions clears all assertions without modifying solver settings.

  16. | Set_info of Expr.t

    Set_info expr attaches metadata to the solver using the given expr.

  17. | Set_logic of Logic.t

    Set_logic logic specifies the logic to be used by the solver.

  18. | Set_option of Expr.t

    Set_option expr sets a solver option with the given expression expr.


A type representing various SMT-LIB commands.

Script Type

type script = t list

A type representing a sequence of SMT-LIB commands.

Pretty Printing

val pp : t Fmt.t

Pretty-printer for SMT-LIB commands. Formats a command for human-readable output.


val to_string : t -> string

Converts an SMT-LIB command to its string representation.


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