package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Bitwuzla Solver Mappings. This module defines types and utilities for mapping between internal representations and the format used by the Bitwuzla solver. It provides functions to translate problems into solver-specific inputs and to interpret solver outputs.

module Fresh : sig ... end

Fresh.Make () creates a new instance of the S module type.

val is_available : bool

is_available indicates whether the module is available for use.

Include the S module type.

include Mappings_intf.S
type model

The type of SMT models.

type solver

The type of SMT solvers.

type optimize

The type of optimizers.

type handle

The type of optimization handles.

val value : model -> Expr.t -> Value.t

value model expr evaluates the expression expr in the given model.

val values_of_model : ?symbols:Symbol.t list -> model -> Model.t

values_of_model ?symbols model retrieves the values of the given symbols (or all symbols if not provided) from the model.

val set_debug : bool -> unit

set_debug flag enables or disables debug mode based on flag.

SMT-LIB Pretty Printing

module Smtlib : sig ... end

Solver Handling

module Solver : sig ... end

Optimizer Handling

module Optimizer : sig ... end

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