package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Symbol Module. This module defines names, namespaces, and typed symbols, providing utilities for creating, comparing, and manipulating symbols.

Name Types

type name =
  1. | Simple of string

    A simple name represented as a string.

  2. | Indexed of {
    1. basename : string;

      The base name.

    2. indices : string list;

      A list of indices associated with the name.


The type name represents a symbol name, which can either be a simple string or an indexed name with a base name and a list of indices.

Namespace Types

type namespace =
  1. | Attr


  2. | Sort

    Sorts (types).

  3. | Term

    Terms (functions, constants).

  4. | Var



The type namespace classifies symbols into different kinds of identifiers.

Symbol Types

type t = {
  1. ty : Ty.t;

    The type of the symbol.

  2. name : name;

    The name of the symbol.

  3. namespace : namespace;

    The namespace to which the symbol belongs.


The type t represents a symbol, consisting of a type, a name, and a namespace.

Namespace Constants

val attr : namespace

attr represents the attribute namespace.

val sort : namespace

sort represents the sort (type) namespace.

val term : namespace

term represents the term (function, constant) namespace.

val var : namespace

var represents the variable namespace.

Symbol Creation

val (@:) : string -> Ty.t -> t

s @: ty creates a symbol with name s and type ty, belonging to the default namespace.

val make : Ty.t -> string -> t

make ty s creates a symbol with type ty and name s in the default namespace.

val make3 : Ty.t -> name -> namespace -> t

make3 ty name ns creates a symbol with type ty, name name, and namespace ns.

val mk : namespace -> string -> t

mk ns s creates a symbol with name s in the specified namespace ns with a default type.

val indexed : namespace -> string -> string list -> t

indexed ns basename indices creates a symbol with an indexed name, where basename is the base name and indices are the associated indices.

Symbol Accessors

val name : t -> name

name sym returns the name of the symbol sym.

val namespace : t -> namespace

namespace sym returns the namespace of the symbol sym.

val type_of : t -> Ty.t

type_of sym returns the type of the symbol sym.


val compare : t -> t -> int

compare sym1 sym2 performs a total order comparison of sym1 and sym2.

val equal : t -> t -> Smtml_prelude.Bool.t

equal sym1 sym2 checks if sym1 and sym2 are equal.

Pretty Printing

val pp_namespace : namespace Fmt.t

pp_namespace fmt ns pretty-prints the namespace ns using the formatter fmt.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp fmt sym pretty-prints the symbol sym using the formatter fmt.


val to_string : t -> string

to_string sym converts the symbol sym to a string representation.

val to_json : t -> Yojson.Basic.t

to_json sym converts the symbol sym to a JSON representation.


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