package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Solver Query Module. This module provides functions for querying available solvers and obtaining mappings for specific solver types. It allows checking solver availability, listing available solvers, and retrieving solver mappings.

Solver Availability

val is_available : Solver_type.t -> bool

is_available solver checks if the given solver is available.

Note: This function will be deprecated in favor of Solver_type.is_available.

val available : Solver_type.t list

available returns a list of all available solvers.

The list can be empty if no solvers are installed.

Solver Retrieval

val solver : ((module Mappings.S_with_fresh), [> `Msg of string ]) Smtml_prelude.result

solver returns the first available solver or an error if none exist.

The returned solver is wrapped in a result type to handle cases where no solvers are available.

val mappings_of_solver : Solver_type.t -> (module Mappings.S_with_fresh)

mappings_of_solver solver returns the solver mappings for the given solver type.


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