package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Logic Types
Module type
Class type

SMT-LIB Logics. This module defines the set of SMT-LIB logics, which specify the theories and operations that a solver may handle. Each logic represents a combination of supported theories, such as arithmetic, arrays, bitvectors, and uninterpreted functions.

Logic Types

type t =
  1. | ALL

    The logic that encompasses all theories.

  2. | AUFLIA

    Arrays, uninterpreted functions, and linear integer arithmetic.

  3. | AUFLIRA

    Arrays, uninterpreted functions, linear integer and real arithmetic.

  4. | AUFNIRA

    Arrays, uninterpreted functions, and non-linear integer and real arithmetic.

  5. | LIA

    Linear integer arithmetic.

  6. | LRA

    Linear real arithmetic.

  7. | QF_ABV

    Quantifier-free arrays and bitvectors.

  8. | QF_AUFBV

    Quantifier-free arrays, uninterpreted functions, and bitvectors.

  9. | QF_AUFLIA

    Quantifier-free arrays, uninterpreted functions, and linear integer arithmetic.

  10. | QF_AX

    Quantifier-free array theory.

  11. | QF_BV

    Quantifier-free bitvector theory.

  12. | QF_BVFP

    Quantifier-free bitvectors and floating-point arithmetic.

  13. | QF_IDL

    Quantifier-free integer difference logic.

  14. | QF_LIA

    Quantifier-free linear integer arithmetic.

  15. | QF_LRA

    Quantifier-free linear real arithmetic.

  16. | QF_NIA

    Quantifier-free non-linear integer arithmetic.

  17. | QF_NRA

    Quantifier-free non-linear real arithmetic.

  18. | QF_RDL

    Quantifier-free real difference logic.

  19. | QF_S

    Quantifier-free string theory.

  20. | QF_UF

    Quantifier-free uninterpreted functions.

  21. | QF_UFBV

    Quantifier-free uninterpreted functions with bitvectors.

  22. | QF_UFIDL

    Quantifier-free uninterpreted functions with integer difference logic.

  23. | QF_UFLIA

    Quantifier-free uninterpreted functions with linear integer arithmetic.

  24. | QF_UFLRA

    Quantifier-free uninterpreted functions with linear real arithmetic.

  25. | QF_UFNRA

    Quantifier-free uninterpreted functions with non-linear real arithmetic.

  26. | UFLRA

    Uninterpreted functions with linear real arithmetic.

  27. | UFNIA

    Uninterpreted functions with non-linear integer arithmetic.


A type representing various SMT-LIB logics.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp fmt logic pretty-prints an SMT-LIB logic using the formatter fmt.

val of_string : string -> (t, [> `Msg of string ]) Smtml_prelude.result

of_string s parses an SMT-LIB logic from a string. Returns `Ok t if parsing is successful, or `Error `Msg if the string does not match a known logic.


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