package saltoIL

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

Type of expression and pattern identifiers used by the analyzer, which can thus be (potentially pathed) identifiers recovered from the typed OCaml AST, or identifiers internally generated by the analyzer

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Equality test between identifiers

val compare : t -> t -> int

Total ordering over identifiers. compare id1 id2 return the result of the comparison between id1 and id2 if they are comparible, if not an arbitrary ordering on the different type of identifiers

val from_ident : Ident.t -> t

Constructor of identifier, without known name, recovered from the typed OCaml AST

val from_named_id : string Location.loc -> Ident.t -> t

Constructor of identifier, with a known name, recovered from the typed OCaml AST

val internal : string -> t

Constructor of internally generated identifiers, which uniqueness are guaranteed by an incrementing counter

val name : t -> string

name id return the name of the identifier id

val name_loc : t -> string Location.loc

name_loc id return the name of the identifier id

val lident_loc : t -> Longident.t Location.loc

lident_loc id return the identifier id as a longident

val ocaml_ident : t -> Ident.t

ocaml_ident id return the original identifier of id from the typed AST. Fails on internal indentifiers.

val is_internal : t -> bool

is_internal id checks if the identifier id is internal to the Salto AST

val is_persistent : t -> bool

is_persistent id checks if id is a persistent identifier

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Formatter of Salto identifiers

val hash_fold : Base.Hash.state -> t -> Base.Hash.state

fold function for hash computation on salto identifiers


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