package saltoIL

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | Constructor of Longident.t Location.loc * Types.constructor_description * (Ident.t Location.loc list * Typedtree.core_type) option

    C (, None) C P (P, None) C (P1, ..., Pn) (P1; ...; Pn, None) C (P : t) (P, Some (, t)) C (P1, ..., Pn : t) (P1; ...; Pn, Some (, t)) C (type a) (P : t) (P, Some (a, t)) C (type a) (P1, ..., Pn : t) (P1; ...; Pn, Some (a, t))

  2. | Tuple of Types.type_expr list

    (P1, ..., Pn) Invariant: n >= 2

  3. | Array of Types.type_expr * int

    | P1; ...; Pn |

  4. | Record of Asttypes.mutable_flag * (Longident.t Location.loc * Types.label_description) list

    l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn (flag = Closed) l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _ (flag = Open) Invariant: n > 0

  5. | Variant of Asttypes.label * Types.row_field

    `A (None) `A P (Some P) See Types.row_desc for an explanation of the last parameter.


type of construct for apply patterns

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal c d tests if construct c is equal to d

val same : Env.t -> t -> t -> bool

same env c d tests if construct c is an instance of d


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