package saltoIL

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
  • author

: Pierre Lermusiaux <>

  • author

: Benoît Montagu <> Copyright © Inria 2023-2024

Type for terms analyzed by Salto (i.e. transposed expressions)

val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash_fold : Base.Hash.state -> t -> Base.Hash.state
val get_type : t -> Types.type_expr

get_type expr returns the type of expr

module FV : sig ... end

Module that defines the data structure for free variables

val fv : t -> FV.t

fv expr returns the set of free variables of expr

val fv_mod_expr : Ast.module_expr_data -> FV.t

fv_mod_expr mod_expr returns the set of free variables of mod_expr

module Prims : Set.S with type elt = Primitive.description
val prim : t -> Prims.t

prim expr returns the set of primitives that occur in expr

val prim_mod_expr : Ast.module_expr_data -> Prims.t

fv_mod_expr mod_expr returns the set of primitives that occur in mod_expr

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Formatting function for analyzed terms

val pp_module_expr_data : Format.formatter -> Ast.module_expr_data -> unit

Formatting function for module expressions

val compare_module_expr_data : Ast.module_expr_data -> Ast.module_expr_data -> int

Total order for module expressions


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