package saltoIL

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
  • author

: Benoît Montagu <>

  • author

: Pierre LERMUSIAUX <> Copyright © Inria 2023

type t
module Map : sig ... end
type internal_desc =
  1. | Location_file
  2. | Location_line
  3. | Location_column
  4. | Location_tuple
  5. | Location_value
  6. | Match_failure
  7. | Raise
  8. | Reraise
  9. | Raise_match_failure
  10. | Reraise_exn
  11. | Match_otherwise
  12. | Let_pat
  13. | Let_value
  14. | Let_body
  15. | Let_match
  16. | Intermediate_let
  17. | Intermediate_let_id
  18. | Dispatch_value
  19. | Dispatch_exn
  20. | Dispatch_value_body
  21. | Dispatch_exn_body
  22. | Function_id
  23. | Function_body
  24. | Letop_id
  25. | Letop_lhs
  26. | Letop_rhs
  27. | Letop_body
  28. | Letop_binding
  29. | Letop_fun
  30. | Letop_apply
  31. | Disambiguized
  32. | Apply_closure of Asttypes.arg_label
  33. | Intermediate_apply
  34. | Let_eval_op
  35. | Let_eval_args
  36. | Closure_id
  37. | Sequand_false
  38. | Sequor_true
  39. | Primitive_apply
  40. | Primitive_closure
  41. | Class_fresh_value
type location =
  1. | Transposed of Location.t
  2. | Internal of Location.t * internal_desc
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash_fold : Base.Hash.state -> t -> Base.Hash.state
val register : location -> t

Registers a program point for a location

val register_bool : location -> bool -> t

Registers a program point for a boolean. We share the same identifier for identical booleans. We take negative numbers for booleans. It does not conflict with other identifiers, since they are non-negative.

val get_location_map : unit -> location Map.t

Gets the location map, that assigns resolves program points into locations, for terms that are not booleans or integers.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Formatting function of program points


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