package saltoIL
Module type
Class type
: Benoît Montagu <> Copyright © Inria 2023
Coercions between modules
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Formatter for coercions
val hash_fold : Base.Hash.state -> t -> Base.Hash.state
Folding hash function
val modtype_hnf : Env.t -> Types.module_type -> Types.module_type
modtype_hnf env mty
unfold the signature or module paths that are placed in front, until a signature or a functor is found. If a canonical signature path is found, then None
is returned (this should correspond to abstract signatures).
val identity : t
The identity coercion
val is_identity : t -> bool
Tests whether a coercion is the identity coercion
compose c1 c2
is the coercion that is semantically equivalent to applying c1
, and then applying c2
val compute : Env.t -> Types.module_type -> Env.t -> Types.module_type -> t
compute env_src mty_src env_dst mty_dst
computes the coercion from the module type mty_src
(viewed in the environment env_src
) to the module type mty_dst
(viewed in the environment env_dst
). The coercions that are produced are always normalized.
val bound_value_identifiers : Types.signature -> Salto_id.Id.t list
Returns the list of bindings that are exported by a signature