package saltoIL

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
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: Pierre LERMUSIAUX <> Copyright © Inria 2022-2023

val typing_data : ?extras:('b * Location.t * Typedtree.attributes) list -> ?attrs:Typedtree.attributes -> Types.type_expr -> Env.t -> ('a, 'b) Ast.typing

Helper function to create values of type typing_data

val transpose_pattern_data : Typedtree.pattern -> Ast.pattern_data

Transpose OCaml typed value patterns in the Salto AST

Transpose OCaml typed computation patterns in the Salto AST, by splitting value patterns and exception patterns into 2 lists of patterns

val transpose_expression_data : ?is_rec:bool -> scopes:Debuginfo.Scoped_location.scopes -> ?in_new_scope:bool -> Typedtree.expression -> Ast.expression_data

Transpose OCaml typed expressions in the Salto AST, encoding try_with expressions, and match_with expressions containing exceptions cases, through a dispatch construction

Transpose OCaml typed class expressions in the Salto AST

Transpose OCaml typed module structures in the Salto AST

val transpose_structure_item_data : scopes:Debuginfo.Scoped_location.scopes -> Typedtree.structure_item -> Ast.structure_item_data list

Transpose OCaml typed module structure items in the Salto AST

Transpose OCaml typed module types in the Salto AST

Transpose OCaml typed module signatures in the Salto AST

Transpose OCaml typed module signature items in the Salto AST

type transposed_annots =
  1. | Packed of Types.signature * string list
  2. | Implementation of Ast.structure
  3. | Interface of Ast.signature
  4. | Partial_implementation of transposed_part list
  5. | Partial_interface of transposed_part list

Type for cmt binnary annots transposed into the Salto AST

and transposed_part =
  1. | Partial_structure of Ast.structure
  2. | Partial_structure_item of Ast.structure_item_data
  3. | Partial_expression of Ast.expression_data
  4. | Partial_value_pattern of Ast.pattern_data
  5. | Partial_general_pattern of Ast.general_pattern
  6. | Partial_class_expr of Ast.class_expr_data
  7. | Partial_signature of Ast.signature
  8. | Partial_signature_item of Ast.signature_item_data
  9. | Partial_module_type of Ast.module_type_data

Type for cmt binnary parts transposed into the Salto AST

transpose_annots annots translates annots from a cmt file into the Salto AST


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