package ocaml-protoc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Protobuf File/Message/Field options

type constant =
  1. | Constant_string of string
  2. | Constant_bool of bool
  3. | Constant_int of int
  4. | Constant_float of float
  5. | Constant_literal of string

Protobuf constant

As defined in: Protobuf Language Spec.

type message_literal = (string * value) list
and list_literal = value list
and value =
  1. | Scalar_value of constant
  2. | Message_literal of message_literal
  3. | List_literal of list_literal
type option_name = string

Option identifier

type t = option_name * value
type set = t list

Collection of options

Can be used for field/message or file options

val empty : set
val add : set -> string -> value -> set
val merge : set -> set -> set

merge s1 s2 adds all the options from s2 to s1. This means than in case of duplicates s2 options will override s1 options.

val get : set -> string -> value option
val pp_constant : Format.formatter -> constant -> unit
val pp_value : Format.formatter -> value -> unit
val pp_message_literal : Format.formatter -> message_literal -> unit
val pp_message_field : Format.formatter -> (string * value) -> unit
val pp_t : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_set : Format.formatter -> set -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.