package diffast-langs-verilog-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Stat : Aux.STATE_T


module Tokens = Tokens_
module Tok : sig ... end
module U : sig ... end
module A : sig ... end
val make_branch_tag : Tokens.token -> Tokens.token -> Loc.t -> branch_tag
exception Not_active
exception Buffer_empty
exception Incomplete
type parse_result =
  1. | Rcomplete of Ast.partial
  2. | Rincomplete
  3. | Runknown
val peek_nth : 'a Queue.t -> int -> 'a
val check_partial : Ast.partial -> int * int
class buffer_base : object ... end
class buffer : branch_tag -> object ... end
class branching_buffer : branch_tag -> object ... end
class c : (C.t -> partial_parser) -> object ... end
val find_macro : string -> Macro.body
val hide_macro : string -> unit -> unit
exception Token_found of Token.qtoken_t
class tokensource : c -> Sedlexing.lexbuf -> object ... end
val hack_token : < peek_token : unit -> Tokens.token * 'a ; tokenbuf : < get_last_rawtok : Tokens.token ; get_last_token : 'b ; set_last_token : (Tokens.token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position) -> 'c ; set_prev_token : 'b -> 'd.. >.. > -> (Tokens.token * Loc.t) -> Tokens.token * Loc.t
val pp : < get_token : unit -> Tokens.token * Loc.t ; peek_token : unit -> Tokens.token * 'a ; tokenbuf : < add : (Tokens.token * Loc.t) -> 'b ; add_to_context : (Tokens.token * Loc.t) -> 'c ; begin_branch : open_if:bool -> branch_tag -> 'd ; end_branch : open_if:bool -> 'e ; get_last_rawtok : Tokens.token ; get_last_token : 'f ; in_branch : bool ; is_context_empty : bool ; is_serialized : bool ; new_branch : branch_tag -> 'g ; set_context : Context.t -> unit ; set_last_token : (Tokens.token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position) -> 'h ; set_prev_token : 'f -> 'i ; take : Tokens.token * Loc.t.. >.. > -> Tokens.token * Loc.t

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