package diffast-langs-verilog-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xlist = Diffast_misc.Xlist
module Xqueue = Diffast_misc.Xqueue
module Xstring = Diffast_misc.Xstring
module Aux = Parser_aux
module L = Label
module C = Context
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
val lexposs_to_offsets : (Lexing.position * Lexing.position) -> int * int
type branch_tag =
  1. | BTifdef of string * Loc.t
  2. | BTifndef of string * Loc.t
  3. | BTelsif of string
  4. | BTelse
  5. | BTcontext
  6. | BTselected
  7. | BTdummy
val branch_tag_to_string : branch_tag -> string
val loc_of_branch_tag : branch_tag -> Loc.t
module F (Stat : Aux.STATE_T) : sig ... end

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