package uri

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
An RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library


Dune Dependency






This is an OCaml implementation of the RFC3986 specification for parsing URI or URLs.


Uri -- an RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library

This is an OCaml implementation of the RFC3986 specification for parsing URI or URLs.



The OPAM package manager can be used to install this library from source.

opam install uri


You can build the source code locally via the dune build system.

opam install uri --deps-only
eval `opam config env`
dune build
dune runtest

will install the dependencies via OPAM, build the library and then run the tests in the lib_test/ directory.


Once installed, there are three ocamlfind packages available for your use:

  • uri - the base Uri module

  • - the toplevel printers for use with utop

  • uri-sexp - provides converters to and from s-expressions (via a Uri_sexp.t type alias)

  • - the Uri_services module that provides the equivalent of services(5)

  • uri.services_full - the Uri_services_full module that provides a complete copy of the /etc/services file. This is quite large and normally not needed.


Dependencies (4)

  1. stringext >= "1.4.0"
  2. re >= "1.9.0"
  3. dune >= "1.2.0"
  4. ocaml >= "4.04.0"

Dev Dependencies (2)

  1. ppx_sexp_conv with-test & >= "v0.9.0"
  2. ounit with-test & >= "1.0.2"

  1. amqp-client-async >= "2.1.0"
  2. amqp-client-lwt >= "2.1.0"
  3. arakoon >= "1.9.0"
  4. archetype < "0.1.5" | >= "1.2.10"
  5. async-uri < "0.2"
  6. async_js >= "v0.13.0"
  7. aws >= "1.0.0" & < "1.2"
  8. aws-s3 >= "4.0.0"
  9. azblob
  10. azure-cosmos-db
  11. bap >= "0.9.4" & < "1.0.0"
  12. bap-bundle
  13. bap-byteweight >= "2.2.0"
  14. bap-plugins >= "2.2.0"
  15. bap-server
  16. bap-std
  17. bap-trace >= "2.2.0"
  18. bap-traces
  19. bap-veri
  20. biocaml >= "0.4.0"
  21. bonsai >= "v0.16.0"
  22. bt
  23. builder-web
  24. calculon-web
  25. capnp-rpc-lwt >= "0.2"
  26. capnp-rpc-net
  27. caqti
  28. carbon
  29. cohttp >= "2.1.3"
  30. cohttp-async >= "2.1.3"
  31. cohttp-eio
  32. cohttp-lwt >= "4.0.0"
  33. conduit >= "1.3.0" & != "3.0.0"
  34. conduit-lwt-unix
  35. cookie
  36. cow >= "0.5.4"
  37. datakit
  38. datakit-bridge-github
  39. datakit-ci >= "1.0.0"
  40. datakit-client < "0.11.0"
  41. datakit-github
  42. datakit-server < "0.11.0"
  43. dns < "0.7.0" | >= "1.0.0" & < "4.0.0"
  44. dropbox < "0.2"
  45. ezresto
  46. facebook-sdk
  47. gemini
  48. git < "3.0.0"
  49. git-mirage >= "3.7.0"
  50. git-paf
  51. git-unix >= "3.0.0"
  52. github >= "0.3.1"
  53. gitlab
  54. httpaf_caged
  55. hvsock >= "2.0.0"
  56. hyper
  57. icalendar
  58. ip2locationio
  59. irmin
  60. irmin-cli
  61. irmin-git >= "2.3.0"
  62. irmin-http >= "2.3.0"
  63. irmin-mirage-git >= "2.3.0"
  64. irmin-mirage-graphql >= "2.3.0"
  65. irmin-server
  66. irmin-unix >= "2.3.0"
  67. json-data-encoding
  68. ketrew
  69. kubecaml
  70. lambda-runtime
  71. letsencrypt >= "0.3.0"
  72. links >= "0.9"
  73. liquidsoap >= "2.1.1" & < "2.2.0"
  74. liquidsoap-core
  75. mechaml >= "1.2.0"
  76. memtrace_viewer < "v0.15.0"
  77. message-switch
  78. minima-theme
  79. mirage-block-unix >= "2.4.0"
  80. monorobot
  81. moss
  82. naboris
  83. nbd >= "2.0.1"
  84. nbd-tool
  85. obi
  86. ocaml_openapi_generator
  87. ocplib-json-typed
  88. octez-client
  89. octez-internal-libs
  90. octez-libs
  91. octez-node
  92. octez-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo-libs
  93. octez-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv-libs
  94. octez-protocol-003-PsddFKi3-libs
  95. octez-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi-libs
  96. octez-protocol-005-PsBabyM1-libs
  97. octez-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-libs
  98. octez-protocol-007-PsDELPH1-libs
  99. octez-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk-libs
  100. octez-protocol-009-PsFLoren-libs
  101. octez-protocol-010-PtGRANAD-libs
  102. octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs
  103. octez-protocol-012-Psithaca-libs
  104. octez-protocol-013-PtJakart-libs
  105. octez-protocol-014-PtKathma-libs
  106. octez-protocol-015-PtLimaPt-libs
  107. octez-protocol-016-PtMumbai-libs
  108. octez-protocol-017-PtNairob-libs
  109. octez-protocol-018-Proxford-libs
  110. octez-protocol-019-PtParisB-libs
  111. octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs
  112. octez-protocol-alpha-libs
  113. octez-proxy-server
  114. octez-shell-libs
  115. octez-smart-rollup-client-PtMumbai < "17.1"
  116. octez-tx-rollup-client-PtKathma
  117. octez-tx-rollup-client-PtLimaPt
  118. oidc
  119. omigrate
  120. opam-query
  121. opam2web >= "1.3.0"
  122. opamfu
  123. opium >= "0.19.0"
  124. paf
  125. paf-cohttp
  126. pf-qubes
  127. piaf
  128. rdf >= "0.10.0" & < "0.12.0"
  129. resto
  130. resto-acl
  131. resto-cohttp-client
  132. resto-cohttp-self-serving-client
  133. satyrographos >= ""
  134. scgi
  135. sentry
  136. slack
  137. sociaml-facebook-api
  138. sociaml-oauth-client
  139. sociaml-tumblr-api
  140. spotify-web-api
  141. stog >= "0.17.0" & < "0.19.0"
  142. syndic
  143. textrazor
  144. tezos-baking-012-Psithaca >= "14.0"
  145. tezos-baking-012-Psithaca-commands >= "14.0"
  146. tezos-baking-013-PtJakart >= "14.0"
  147. tezos-baking-013-PtJakart-commands >= "14.0"
  148. tezos-baking-014-PtKathma
  149. tezos-baking-014-PtKathma-commands
  150. tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt
  151. tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt-commands
  152. tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai
  153. tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai-commands
  154. tezos-baking-017-PtNairob
  155. tezos-baking-017-PtNairob-commands
  156. tezos-baking-alpha >= "14.0"
  157. tezos-baking-alpha-commands >= "14.0"
  158. tezos-base >= "14.0"
  159. tezos-client >= "14.0"
  160. tezos-client-001-PtCJ7pwo >= "14.0"
  161. tezos-client-002-PsYLVpVv >= "14.0"
  162. tezos-client-003-PsddFKi3 >= "14.0"
  163. tezos-client-004-Pt24m4xi >= "14.0"
  164. tezos-client-005-PsBabyM1 >= "14.0"
  165. tezos-client-006-PsCARTHA >= "14.0"
  166. tezos-client-007-PsDELPH1 >= "14.0"
  167. tezos-client-008-PtEdo2Zk >= "14.0"
  168. tezos-client-009-PsFLoren >= "14.0"
  169. tezos-client-010-PtGRANAD >= "14.0"
  170. tezos-client-011-PtHangz2 >= "14.0"
  171. tezos-client-012-Psithaca >= "14.0"
  172. tezos-client-013-PtJakart >= "14.0"
  173. tezos-client-014-PtKathma
  174. tezos-client-015-PtLimaPt
  175. tezos-client-016-PtMumbai
  176. tezos-client-017-PtNairob
  177. tezos-client-alpha >= "14.0"
  178. tezos-client-base >= "14.0"
  179. tezos-client-base-unix >= "14.0"
  180. tezos-client-commands >= "14.0"
  181. tezos-event-logging >= "14.0"
  182. tezos-mockup-proxy >= "14.0"
  183. tezos-mockup-registration >= "14.0"
  184. tezos-node >= "14.0"
  185. tezos-proxy >= "14.0"
  186. tezos-proxy-server >= "14.0"
  187. tezos-proxy-server-config
  188. tezos-rpc >= "14.0"
  189. tezos-rpc-http >= "14.0"
  190. tezos-signer-backends >= "14.0"
  191. tezos-stdlib-unix < "7.4" | >= "14.0"
  192. tezos-test-helpers >= "10.2"
  193. tezos-tx-rollup-client-013-PtJakart
  194. tezos-tx-rollup-client-014-PtKathma
  195. tezos-tx-rollup-client-alpha
  196. tezt-performance-regression
  197. tezt-tezos
  198. trakeva >= "0.1.0"
  199. uri-sexp = "3.1.0"
  200. validate
  201. vhd-tool
  202. virtual_dom >= "v0.16.0"
  203. wamp >= "1.1"
  204. xapi-idl
  205. xe
  206. xen-api-client
  207. xentropyd




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