package odoc-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val find_universe_and_version : string -> (string * string, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val of_voodoo : string -> blessed:bool -> Packages.t list
type extra_paths = {
  1. pkgs : Fpath.t Util.StringMap.t;
  2. libs : Fpath.t Util.StringMap.t;
val empty_extra_paths : extra_paths

When odoc_driver is not running in voodoo mode, this value can be passed to Odoc_units_of.packages

val extra_paths : Fpath.t -> extra_paths

extra_paths odoc_dir returns the paths to packages and libraries that have previously been compiled by odoc_driver running in voodoo mode. In order to find these, the previous invocation of odoc_driver will need to have written marker files by calling write_lib_markers

val write_lib_markers : Fpath.t -> Packages.t list -> unit

write_lib_markers odoc_dir pkgs writes marker files to show the locations of the compilation units associated with packages and libraries in pkgs.


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