package odoc-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Returns the k commands that took the most time for a given subcommand.

type stats = {
  1. mutable total_units : int Atomic.t;
  2. mutable total_impls : int Atomic.t;
  3. mutable total_mlds : int Atomic.t;
  4. mutable total_assets : int Atomic.t;
  5. mutable total_indexes : int Atomic.t;
  6. mutable non_hidden_units : int Atomic.t;
  7. mutable compiled_units : int Atomic.t;
  8. mutable compiled_impls : int Atomic.t;
  9. mutable compiled_mlds : int Atomic.t;
  10. mutable compiled_assets : int Atomic.t;
  11. mutable linked_units : int Atomic.t;
  12. mutable linked_impls : int Atomic.t;
  13. mutable linked_mlds : int Atomic.t;
  14. mutable generated_indexes : int Atomic.t;
  15. mutable generated_units : int Atomic.t;
  16. mutable processes : int Atomic.t;
  17. mutable process_activity : string Atomic.t Array.t;
  18. mutable finished : bool;
val stats : stats
val render_stats : < clock : [> float Eio.Time.clock_ty ] Eio.Time.clock.. > -> generate_json:bool -> int -> unit
val init_nprocs : int -> unit
val pp_stats : Format.formatter -> stats -> unit
val k_longest_commands : string -> int -> Run.t list
val dump : unit -> unit
val compute_min_max_avg : float list -> (float * float * float * int) option
val compute_metric_int : string -> string -> string -> float list -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Int of int ]) list | `Int of int | `String of string ]) list ] list
val compute_metric_cmd : string -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Float of float ]) list | `Int of int | `String of string ]) list ] list
val compute_produced_cmd : string -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Int of int ]) list | `Int of int | `String of string ]) list ] list

Analyze the size of files produced by a command.

val compute_produced_tree : string -> Fpath.t -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Int of int ]) list | `Int of int | `String of string ]) list ] list

Analyze the size of files outputed to the given directory.

val compute_longest_cmd : string -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Float of float ]) list | `String of string ]) list ] list

Analyze the running time of the slowest commands.

val all_metrics : Fpath.t -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Float of float | `Int of int ]) list | `Int of int | `String of string ]) list ] list
val bench_results : Fpath.t -> unit
val total_time : unit -> float

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