package odoc-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val instrument : bool
val instrument_dir : Fpath.t lazy_t
type t = {
  1. cmd : string list;
  2. time : float;

    Running time in seconds.

  3. output_file : Fpath.t option;
  4. output : string;
  5. errors : string;
  6. status : [ `Exited of int | `Signaled of int ];
val commands : t list ref
val n : int Atomic.t
val run : < process_mgr : [> [> `Generic ] Eio.Process.mgr_ty ] Eio.Process.mgr.. > -> Bos.Cmd.t -> Fpath.t option -> t

Return the list of executed commands where the first argument was cmd.

Print an executed command and its time.

val filter_commands : string -> t list
val print_cmd : t -> unit
val k_longest_commands : string -> int -> t list

Returns the k commands that took the most time for a given subcommand.


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