package odoc-driver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type library = {
  1. name : string;
  2. archive_name : string option;
  3. dir : string option;
  4. deps : string list;
type t = {
  1. meta_dir : Fpath.t;
  2. libraries : library list;
val process_meta_file : Fpath.t -> t

From a path to a Meta file, returns the list of libraries defined in this file.

val libname_of_archive : t -> string

libname_of_archive meta_dir libraries computes a map from the fully-qualified archive path to the name of the library. meta_path is the path of the directory where the META file is found, and libraries are the libraries defined in that META file.

val directories : t -> Fpath.set

directories meta_dir libraries computes a set of directories containing the libraries in libraries defined in the META file found in meta_path.


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